Spatio-temporate Expression of P53, Bcl-2 and Fas in the Retina of RD, Rds and C3H Mice

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Purpose: To investigate the expression status of p53, Fas and bcl-2 in the development of retinal degeneration in C3H, rd and rds mice.Methods: Expression of p53, Fas and bcl-2 in the retina of rd,rds and C3H mice as well as in normal C3B mice in different periods was examined by immunohistochemical technique.Results: The expression of Fas and p53 was not detected in normal C3B mice. Fas and p53 were expressed in the ganglionic layer in the early stage and then in the inner nuclear layer, while the scale and intense increased in the ganglionic layer. There is no difference of bcl-2 expression between the normal mice and mice with retinal degeneration.Conclusion: Fas and p53 may be involved in the retinal cell death in rd, rds, and C3B,but bcl-2 may not. It is unknown why p53 and Fas appeared first in ganglion layer but not in the outer nuclear layer where retinal cells death was noticed in early stage.
2004年7月6日至8日,第十一届国际渥太华医学教育会议在西班牙巴塞罗那隆重举行.大会云集了来自世界各地的医学教育专家1 000余人,会议专门设立了丰富多彩的交流形式,包括大会报告、小组讨论、参观访问等.在热情洋溢的气氛中,与会者共同商讨了如何促进20年前在加拿大渥太华建立的最初医学教育体系的问题。
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