
来源 :锻压技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangstian
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中国机械工程学会锻压学会第3届理事会扩大会议于1986年6月11~14日在武汉工学院召开。出席会议的代表39人,有锻压学会第2届理事、第3届新任理事和各学术委员会主任等。会议由副理事长兼秘书长海锦涛同志主持。王炎山副秘书长作了“1985年工作汇报及1986年工作安排”的报告;杨志敏副秘书长汇报了第4届全国锻压学术年会筹备工作;张倩生秘书汇报了关于迎接中国机械工程学会35周年纪念活动的一些筹备工作。海锦涛秘书长对第3届锻压学会理事会的改选工作的过程作了说明。第3届理事候选人名单在1985年理事会上经过协商提出的。最后在第2届理事会上通过。第3届理事会由48人组成,理事长由闵学熊同志担任,副理事长由程瑞全、黄树槐、海锦涛(兼秘书长)担任,杨志敏、王炎山为副秘书长。常务理事名单如下:闵学熊、程瑞全、黄树槐、海锦涛、杨志敏、王炎山、俞云焕、俞新陆、王仲仁、李郁华、常希如、阮雪榆。 The enlarged meeting of the 3rd Board of Directors of the Forging Society of China Mechanical Engineering Society was held on June 11~14, 1986 at the Wuhan Institute of Technology. A total of 39 delegates attended the meeting, including the 2nd director of the Forging Society, the 3rd new director and director of the academic committees. The meeting was chaired by Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Comrade Hai Jintao. Deputy Secretary-General Wang Yanshan made a report on “Work Reports for 1985 and Work Arrangements for 1986”; Deputy Secretary-General Yang Zhimin reported on preparations for the 4th National Academic Conference on Forging Pressing; Secretary Zhang Qiansheng reported on the 35th anniversary of welcoming the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering. Some preparations for the event. Secretary-General Hai Jintao explained the process of reelection of the 3rd Forging Society Council. The list of candidates for the 3rd Council of Directors was negotiated on the 1985 Board of Governors. Finally passed at the 2nd Council. The 3rd Board of Directors is composed of 48 members. The chairman of the board of directors is made up of Comrade Xie Xuexiong, and the vice chairman is Cheng Ruiquan, Huang Shuyu, and Hai Jintao (also the secretary general). Yang Zhimin and Wang Yanshan are the deputy secretary generals. The list of executive directors is as follows: Xie Xuexiong, Cheng Ruiquan, Huang Shuyu, Hai Jintao, Yang Zhimin, Wang Yanshan, Yu Yunhuan, Yu Xinlu, Wang Zhongren, Li Yuhua, Chang Xiru, and Qi Xueyu.
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去年 12月 11日一大早,一支身着陆海空三军和武警服装的“合成军”,背着背包、扛着铁锹开进彭德怀元帅的故乡——湘潭县乌石乡。哦,原来不是来演习,而是湘潭驻军为彭总故乡
对日本的重组 DNA 实验的实施状况的调查已由科学技术厅生命科学部会整理出来。材料由各省厅、都道府县、经济团体联合会进行调查后提供。1985年总数为3452件,比上年增加32%