元旦、春节之际,常有不少朋友买回一盆盆挂果的柑桔,象金桔、无核蜜桔、代代、四季桔之类的。起初枝繁叶茂,但一段时间后就开始落叶,越落越多,有时甚至落光,这到底是为什么呢? 综合来看,有以下几点原因: 第一,温度高。柑桔属温带植物,喜温暖,畏燥热,也怕严寒。冬季是其休眠期,适宜温度为5~10℃,超过15℃即会落叶,时间长了便会落光。一旦落尽,树势很难恢复,或者死亡,或者虽然活着,但不再开花结果。因此越冬期间一定要避免
New Year’s Day, the occasion of the Spring Festival, often have a lot of friends bought a pot of fruiting citrus fruit, like kumquat, seedless tangerine, generation, four seasons and the like. In the beginning, it was flourishing, but after a period of time it began to fall foliage, falling more and more, sometimes even falling off. In the end, why? Overall, there are several reasons: First, the temperature is high. Citrus is a temperate plant, hi warm, fear heat, but also afraid of cold. Winter is its dormant period, suitable temperature is 5 ~ 10 ℃, more than 15 ℃ will fall leaves, a long time will fall light. Once it is exhausted, the tree is hard to recover, or dead, or alive, but no longer bear fruit. Therefore, during the winter must be avoided