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各行署、市、县卫生局、科并转农村公社卫生院:根据全省农村社队卫生组织整顿建设经验交流会的精神,为加强农村卫生队伍建设,有计划地培训、考核社队卫生技术人员,不断提高他们的防病治病技术水平,决定对我省乡村医生(包括赤脚医生、公社卫生院中、初级卫生技术人员。下同)实行刊授教育,现将有关事项通知如下:一、凡乡村医生均为刊授对象,各市、县卫生行政部门应认真组织对他们进行刊授教育。刊授教育的主要目的是系统提高乡村医生的基础医学知识和农村常见病防治知识,更好地为农民健康服务。同时,为考核晋级积累知识。不直接解决资格,也不发放学历证件。 Various administrative departments, municipalities, and county health bureaus, and sub-commissioned rural communes health centers: According to the spirit of the province’s rural community health organization reorganization and construction experience exchange meeting, in order to strengthen the construction of the rural health team, there are plans to train and evaluate the health techniques of the communes. In order to continuously improve their disease-prevention and treatment skills, the staff decided to issue education to rural doctors in our province (including barefoot doctors, and middle and primary health technicians in the public hospitals of the communes, the same below). The relevant issues are now notified as follows: Where rural doctors are all subject to publication, the health administrative departments of cities and counties should organize education for them. The main purpose of the education is to systematically improve the basic medical knowledge of rural doctors and prevention and treatment of common diseases in rural areas so as to better serve farmers’ health. At the same time, accumulate knowledge for examination and promotion. Do not directly resolve qualifications, nor issue educational credentials.
通过对假单胞菌质粒ND1.866进行限制性内切酶分析,确定了质粒的分子量为38.10Kb。经EcoRⅠ消化ND1.866产生4个酶切片段,经HindⅢ消化产生6个酶切片段,经SalⅠ消化产生6个酶切片段,经PstⅠ消化产生11个酶切片段。 By restr
采用高效液相色谱法测定萎胃安冲剂中芍药甙含量。本法以水和甲醇提取,甲醇-水(21:79)作为流动相。检测波长为230nm,回收率为99.02%,相对标准误差(RSD)为1.69%。 Determination of paeoniflorin in WeiWeiAn
运用激励理论探讨目前编辑队伍尚未充分发挥潜能的主要表现及原因,提出六种挖掘编辑潜能的方法,提高激励效果应注意的问题及运用激励机制留住人才的策略。 Using incentive
我们辛店公社三万多人口,37个大队,有83名赤脚医生,过去有33个大队实行合作医疗。农村经济政策调整以来,大队的卫生组织发生很大变化,截至目前有以下几种情况和形式: Our X