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范冰冰出生在山东滨海城市烟台的一个艺术之家,父亲曾经学过声乐,而母亲则是芭蕾舞演员,在她身上具有着父母的双重基因。七岁上小学时.她已弹得一手好钢琴.并练就了较扎实的芭蕾舞功底.显示了极强的表演天赋。从谢晋恒通明星学校毕业后.她又特意到上海戏剧学院表演系进修了一年。这些不能不说为她以后的表演艺术打下了坚实的基础.范冰冰是个有心人.她十分好学.从不满足已取得的成绩。她说.一个女演员不能光靠自己天生丽质的躯壳去演戏。这些年她先后跟赵薇.林心如、陆毅.姜武等人配戏.她都把他们当作好朋友.认真请教。就是对方没什么名气.她也与其合作得很好.所以凡与范冰冰搭档过的演员,没有一个不夸她的,这在青年女演员中实为难 Fan Bingbing was born in Yantai, Shandong coastal city of art home, his father had learned vocals, while the mother is a ballerina, in her body with a double gene parents. At the age of seven when she was in elementary school, she played a good piano and practiced a more solid foundation of ballet. After graduating from the star school of Hsieh Heng-sheng, she went to study at the Shanghai Theater Academy for another year. These can not but say for her later performing arts has laid a solid foundation.Fan Bingbing is a caring person.She is very studious.Has never satisfied with the achievements have been made. She said an actress can not act on her natural beauty. These years she has with Zhao Wei. Ruby Lin, Lu Yi. Jiang Wu, who plays. She regarded them as good friends. Serious advice. That is, the other side is not famous. She also worked very well with them. Therefore, all the actors who partner with Fan Bingbing, no one does not boast of her, which is really difficult for young actresses
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