迎接知识经济 挑战发展武汉信息产业

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每一次产业革命,都是城市发展和崛起的机遇,也是对城市本身的挑战。作为中国中部最大工业和流通中心的武汉,面对来自国际信息产业的挑战和国内先进城市的竞争,要有勇于面对竞争态势和武汉实际的科学态度,要以团结协作、奋力拼搏的姿态,迎接知识经济挑战,抢占新世纪制高点。武汉作为传统的工业城市,经过改革开放20年的发展,产业结构有了较大的调整,城市的功能进一步完善,科学技术实力不断加强,城市的综合实力得到提高,已具备进一步发展信息产业的基础和条件。现在的问题是,我们要明确发展武汉信息产业的具体任务及其实施对策。根据对武汉发展信息产业的基本思路和发展目标的分析,发展武汉信息产业的基本任务可概括为:信息技术的产业化、传统产业的信息化、城市管理的网络 Every industrial revolution is an opportunity for urban development and rise and a challenge to the city itself. Wuhan, as the largest industrial and distribution center in central China, faced with the challenge from the international information industry and the competition from the advanced cities in China, should have the courage to face the competitive situation and the actual scientific attitude of Wuhan. In a united and hard working attitude, Meet the challenges of knowledge economy and seize the commanding heights of the new century. As a traditional industrial city, after 20 years of reform and opening up, Wuhan has made great adjustments in its industrial structure. The functions of cities have been further improved. The strength of science and technology has been continuously strengthened. The comprehensive strength of cities has been enhanced. As a result, Wuhan has been able to further develop its information industry Basis and conditions. The question now is, we must clearly define the specific tasks of Wuhan’s information industry and its implementation measures. According to the analysis of the basic ideas and development goals for Wuhan’s development of information industry, the basic task of developing Wuhan’s information industry can be summarized as follows: the industrialization of information technology, the informationization of traditional industries, the network of urban management
The microstructure,mechanical,and tribological properties of the carbon nitride(CN_x) thin films with different nitrogen contents deposited on high-speed steel
<正> 魏源与浙江有着不解之缘。他1857年因好友何绍基的弟弟何绍箕在杭州为官的关系,避太平军兵难而居杭州,逝于西湖边上的僧舍,葬西湖南屏山方家峪。鸦片战争中,魏源勇赴国难,参与筹划第二次定海保卫战,在鸦片战争史上,留下了光辉的一页。1 魏源参与筹划定海保卫战确有其事,但具体在什么时间,历来没有搞清楚。魏源儿子魏耆作《邵阳魏府君事略》,其中讲到:“(道光)二十二年(1842),英夷犯海疆,江、浙震动。钦差大臣长白裕公谦,督浙江防剿,延至幕府。数月辞归。”(《魏源集》附录)裕谦于1841年10
【正】 邓伟志的文章指出,政治家有三种类型。一,权力型。他们居于一定的领导岗位,依附于一定的政治组织,拥有较大的权力和政治能员。二,理论型。他们有高超的政治理论主张,
In the present work,a new biocompatible composite was fabricated by hot-press sinter-bonding of polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)–hydroxyapatite composite.Furtherm