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时至2008年9月,在众多形容全球汽车发展现状的词句中,《商用汽车新闻》记者几乎找不到积极的表述。“遭遇倒春寒”、“销量急剧下滑”、“某公司下调全球销售目标”等词藻充斥着大小报章。2008年,全球汽车行业的日子都不好过,愈显黯淡的经济前景令各地消费者都在大宗消费面前选择了按兵不动。今年上半年,美国的汽车销量较2007年同期下滑了10.1%,在欧洲和日本市场,汽车销量的降幅分别为2%和0.9%。然而,仅仅两年多以前,在众多企业经理人的报告中,全球汽车产业还呈现着积极向上的发展势头。汽车企业纷纷提高销售目标、加大新技术开发来迎合这一态势。一时间,新车型、升级版拳头产品纷至沓来。然而,在接下来的2007年,美国的“次贷危机”、新的排放标准实施后销量的巨大落差,让众多经理人们目瞪口呆,此前建立的美好愿景轰然倒塌。接着就是2008年,原材料上涨、汇率变化,外部环境的变化,让还没有从2007年市场的阴影中走出来的经理人们,彻底慌了。从2006年到2008年,《商用汽车新闻》详细记录了全球汽车业的喜怒悲乐,在第100期,记者将带您一起回顾。 As of September 2008, among the many words that describe the status quo of global automotive development, Commercial Vehicle News reporters barely found a positive statement. “Encounter a late spring ”, “a sharp decline in sales ” “a company cut global sales target ” and other rhetoric flooded with newspapers. In 2008, the days of the global automotive industry are not good, the more dimming economic prospects so that consumers around the world have chosen to spend in the face of mass consumption. In the first half of this year, the United States car sales fell 10.1% over the same period in 2007, while sales in the European and Japanese markets dropped 2% and 0.9% respectively. However, just over two years ago, in the reports of many corporate managers, the global automotive industry also showed a positive and upward momentum of development. Automobile companies have increased sales targets, increase the development of new technologies to meet this situation. For a time, new models, upgraded version of fist products after another. However, in the following 2007, the United States “subprime mortgage crisis”, the huge drop in sales volume after the implementation of the new emission standards, so many managers stunned, the beautiful vision established before crashing. This is followed by 2008, raw materials, exchange rate changes, changes in the external environment, so that has not come out from the shadow of the market in 2007 managers, completely panicked. From 2006 to 2008, “Commercial Vehicle News” recorded the joys and sorrows of the global automotive industry in detail. During the 100th issue, the reporter will take you back together.