The Response of Vegetation Biomass to Soil Properties along Degrada-tion Gradients of Alpine Meadow

来源 :中国地理科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newrevon
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Alpine grassland of the Tibetan Plateau has undergone severe degradation, even desertification. However, several questions re-main to be answered, especially the response mechanisms of vegetation biomass to soil properties. In this study, an experiment on degrada-tion gradients was conducted in an alpine meadow at the Zoige Plateau in 2017. Both vegetation characteristics and soil properties were observed during the peak season of plant growth. The classification and regression tree model (CART) and structural equation modelling (SEM) were applied to screen the main factors that gov the vegetation dynamics and explore the interaction of these screened factors. Both aboveground biomass (AGB) and belowground biomass (BGB) experienced a remarkable decrease along the degradation gradients. All soil properties experienced significant variations along the degradation gradients at the 0.05 significance level. Soil physical and chemi-cal properties explained 54.78% of the variation in vegetation biomass along the degradation gradients. AGB was mainly influenced by soil water content (SWC), soil bulk density (SBD), soil organic carbon (SOC), soil total nitrogen (STN), and pH. Soil available nitrogen (SAN), SOC and pH, had significant influence on BGB. Most soil properties had positive effects on AGB and BGB, while SBD and pH had a slightly negative effect on AGB and BGB. The correlations of SWC with AGB and BGB were relatively less significant than those of other soil properties. Our results highlighted that the soil properties played important roles in regulating vegetation dynamics along the degrada-tion gradients and that SWC is not the main factor limiting plant growth in the humid Zoige region. Our results can provide guidance for the restoration and improvement of degraded alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau.