The Function of Chinese Quadrisyllabic Phrases in E—C Translation

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  【Abstract】Chinese quadrisyllabic phrases are indispensable in English-Chinese translation. It can be said that their existence is one distinct feature of Chinese. Without them the translated text can never be concise, vivid and fluent. Only those translators who have an excellent foundation in Chinese can make good use of them freely. So, in order to improve the quality of the translated Chinese text, it is quite necessary to highlight the main functions of Chinese quadrisyllabic phrases. This thesis covers three main benefits that quadrisyllabic phrases can bring in English-Chinese translation, with a lot of examples.
  【Key words】quadrisyllabic phrases; functions; translation
  In English-Chinese translation, the use of quadrisyllabic phrases can make the Chinese version more brief and fluent. Eugene A. Nida wrote in his The Theory and Practice of Translation: “A conscientious translator will want the closest natural equivalent.”“ The best translation does not sound like a translation.”Whether a translator can use Chinese quadrisyllabic phrases well can embody his Chinese level. This shows the importance of quadrisyllabic phrases in making the receptor language more natural. This thesis is to elucidate the main advantages of these phrases from three aspects.
  1. Rhythmic Effect
  As is stated above, there are abundant quadrisyllabic phrases in the ancient Chinese poems, and this shows one advantage of these expressions—the rhythmic effect. The quadrisyllabic phrases have much beauty in rhythm, which is an important aspect of the beauty in a language. The change in tone, rhyme and intensity in sound adds poetic beauty to the language.
  Because a large number of quadrisyllabic phrases derive from various allusions in history and the ancient Chinese writers paid much attention to the rhythm of their works, many of these phrases are melodious themselves. With the help of these phrases, the translated Chinese can sound more like music, especially when there are several quadrisyllabic phrases in a sentence. The following examples are to show this point more clearly:
  A: A woman goes to work for a large corporation like IBM. She is extremely intelligent, ambitious and hard-working.
  B: Isolation of China is unworkable, counterproductive and potentially dangerous—Clinton.
  孤立中国是行之无效,适得其反,后患无穷的 —— 克林顿。
  C: The Inauguration took place on a bright, cold, and windy day.   就职典礼那天,阳光普照,寒风凛冽。
  D: A little, yellow, ragged beggar was sitting there.
  E: His venture is in a stormy mid-passage now. It may ultimately be forced back, or even sunk. Yet Gingrich did the work—crude, forceful, effective—that compelled the voyage in the first place.
  In sentence A, the three words “intelligent”, “ambitious” and “hard-working” are rendered into three quadrisyllabic phrases in Chinese. The same is true with sentences B, C, D and E. It is plain that all the quadrisyllabic phrases are very fluent and forceful in the receptor language and sound like rhythm. The translated sentences are so natural that they do not sound like translation.
  2. Balanced Structure
  The second advantage of the quadrisyllabic phrases is that the sentences can achieve a good visual effect with their help— a balanced structure. In ancient times, the writers have always expressed a strong preference for the balance of the language, from the ancient poems to the antithetical couplets written on the scrolls. In poetry, they tried to pursue a matching of both sound and sense in two lines and sentences. The reason may be that symmetry is considered to be a kind of beauty and it symbolizes auspiciousness and harmony in China. Some of the quadrisyllabic phrases have balanced internal structures themselves. Besides, in many cases, the quadrisyllabic phrases which appear in pairs can also make the whole sentence balanced. The following sentences are taken for examples:
  Zhu Rongji was called China’s Gorbachev—a sincere but limited reformer.
  朱镕基被称为中国的戈尔巴乔夫 —— 一个雄心勃勃却壮志未酬的改革家。
  He is all fire and fight.
  They have all made it in the United States. They are comfortable and successful.
  Many San Diegans, angered by the way Rogers was treated, accused the school of gross ingratitude and cowardice.
  If North America and Europe renew their moral life, build on their cultural commonality, and develop closer forms of economic and political integration to supplement their security collaboration in NATO, they could generate a third Euroamerican phase of western affluence and political influence.
  The English sentences illustrated above have balanced phrases themselves: “sincere but limited”, “fire and fight”, “comfortable and successful”, “ingratitude and cowardice” and “western affluence and political influence”. Of course, the meaning can also be expressed explicitly in Chinese if they are translated like this: “忠誠却受限”、“又气又怒”、“舒服又成功”、“忘恩又胆小”、“西方的富裕和政治的影响力”. In this case, the rhetoric effect is worse than that of the sentences with quadrisylabic phrases, which obviously show a stronger emphasis, and make the whole sentence tidier.   3. Cultural Meaning
  In addition to the rhetoric effect in rhythm and structure, in English-Chinese translation, the use of quadrisyllabic phrases brings another benefit: large quantities of them are filled with cultural meaning, especially the allusive ones. Since the ancient times, briefness has been highly appreciated in Chinese writing: to use the fewest words to express the most meanings. In the process of being passed down from one generation to another, many expressions have been shortened to only four characters, but they still can mean a lot. These expressions gradually form part of the quadrisyllabic phrases. Although in today’s society, we use modern Chinese in most cases instead of ancient Chinese, briefness in language is still very important. The quadrisyllabic phrases are concise but affluent in cultural meaning. Besides, the Chinese tradition can be embodied very well by quadrisyllabic phrases.
  To be specific, if we translate “neither fish nor flesh” into “既不像鱼也不像肉”, the Chinese readers may not understand what it really means. However, if we translate this phrase into “不伦不类”, although there are only four characters, the meaning is clearer. The following sentences will show the comparison of quadrisyllabic phrases with other translations.
  (1) Reports of new success keep pouring in.
  Basically speaking, the sentence A is the same as B in meaning, but A is much longer and more tedious than B. Besides, the second Chinese sentence portrays a more vivid picture and has cultural meaning in it. In the history, “捷报频传” meant that a country had won many fights. Now its meaning has been widened.
  (2) Bourgeois society seems everywhere to have used up its store of constructive ideas.
  Obviously, the difference between sentence A and B lies in the use of the quadrisyllabic phrasel “江郎才尽”. This is a phrase with cultural meaning. Long time ago, a boy became known as a genius when he was still very little. With a marvelous memory, he could recite many famous poems and essays. His father was so proud of him that he brought him to different places every day just to show off. As time went by, the boy grew up. Without proper education, this boy was not outstanding among his peers any longer.
  (3) I am not talking about castles in the air, the donkey’s carrot.
  A:我說的并不是空中楼阁,驴子的胡萝卜。   B:我说的并不是空中楼阁 —— 叫大家望梅止渴。
  The first translation is a literal translation, but it is nearly impossible for Chinese readers to understand what “驴子的胡萝卜” means. Compared with A, B is more explicit in meaning. “望梅止渴” also can remind the Chinese readers’ sympathetic response.
  With the minimum words, the quadrisyllabic phrases can make the translated Chinese more concise and rich in meaning.
  [1]Eugene A.Nida and Charles R.Taber,The Theory and Practice of Translation(Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004)13.
  [2]Eugene A.Nida and Charles R.Taber,The Theory and Practice of Translation(Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004)1.
  [3]Nida,Eugene A.,and Charles R.Taber The Theory and Practice of Translation.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004.
  [4]Zhongde Liu,Ten Lectures on Literary Translation.Beijing: China Translation and Publishing Corporation,1991.
【摘要】一些从某个角度看很难解决的问题,换一个角度看,可能会很简单。小学英语教学不是孤立的,它与语文教学学科有着密切的联系。我们在教学中可以通过寻找它们之间的交接点或交接面,融汇贯通,让教学立体化。真正在实践中实施“从单一学科知识的学习向学生综合能力和整体素质培养的转变”。让学生在形式多变的学习中,充满热情,提高学习效果。  【关键词】语文 缩句 视觉 英语 语序  对于英语成绩较差的五六年级学生
【摘要】信息技术广泛运用于高校教学改革与实践,本文将试析商务英语会话课程中的展会迎宾信息化课堂模式,从而培养学生的“信息素养”,提高课堂教学效果。  【关键词】信息化 接待外宾 商务英语会话  信息化教学是以现代教学理论为指导,以信息技术为支持,应用现代教学方法的教学活动。目前信息化教学在高职院校广为流行,该教学模式环境条件下,倡导科学利用各种信息资源,并有效调动教学媒体,依托于当前教育技术,努力
【摘要】托马斯?哈代最负盛名的小说之一《德伯家的苔丝》诞生于十九世纪英国维多利亚时代,那时的社会处于大变革时期。一方面,自然科学迅速发展,冲击了基督教的真伪性,另一方面,人们的思想里仍固守着传统的基督教的教条主义。《德伯家的苔丝》全篇都与宗教紧密相连,书中也大量出现仪式化(尤其是宗教仪式化)与神圣化的情节。本文通过分析《德伯家的苔丝》中有关情节与隐喻,进一步阐述哈代的美学思想。  【关键词】美学;
【摘要】从术语方面探讨民航文献中语言特点和翻译技巧。实践证明,翻译人员必须具备相当的科技专业知识和语言修养才能做到:1.透彻理解;2.逻辑分析;3.简明表达。而翻译的技巧来源于实践和积累。  【关键词】民航英语;语言特点;翻译技巧  【作者简介】杨春妹(1994- ),女,汉族,河北人,硕士,中国民航大学,翻译硕士。  一、引言  民航英语是现代英语的一种社会功能变体,是专门用途英语(Englis
【摘要】在新课改的实践与探索中,我们认识到了留守儿童的英语学习教育,直接影响着学校的英语教学质量及学校的发展,对学生自身发展也有至关重要的影响,农村留守儿童英语作业问题尤为突出,怎样有效解决这些问题,值得我们这些一线农村小学英语教师系统研究。  【关键词】农村小学;留守儿童;英语作业  【作者简介】王珠佳,江苏省高邮市卸甲镇龙奔小学。  家庭作业是教师为了让学生对所学知识达到进一步的巩固而布置给学
【摘要】国内外反恐局势的紧张和大规模国际联演联训的开展对反恐人才的培养提出了更高更新的要求。反恐战法国际会议双语平行语料库(Counter-Terrorism Tactics International Conference Parallel Corpus, CTTICPC)将2011年至2018年武警部队5次大型反恐国际会议语料进行整理加工,为军校反恐教学和基层反恐人才培养提供了最新的反恐战法理
【摘要】当前,科学技术得到了不断创新和发展,在教育教学中也实现了广泛应用。其中,多媒体技术作为一种现代化的教学技术,逐步渗透到初中英语教学中,使教学由传统的抽象、古板的方式,向直观、多样化的方式转变。  【关键词】多媒体教学;初中英语;学习兴趣  【作者简介】陈容,四川省泸州市江阳区泸南中学。  教师应熟练掌握多媒体技术,并在教学中进行使用,改善英语教学环境,为学生提供更加轻松、活泼、丰富的英语学
【摘要】语言是人与人之间相互交流的主体,体现着一个国家的历史和文化。本文通过对汉语和英语之间文化差异的对比,从环境、劳动、风俗及思维四个方面来突出语言的独特魅力,并阐述文化差异给英语学习过程中带来的影响,以减少英语学习的障碍。  【关键词】汉语;英语;文化差异;英语学习  【作者简介】宋懿霏,衡水第一中学。  引言  语言的发展需要环境背景做基础,在英语的学习过程中,由于文化差异明显,很容易将汉语
【摘要】美国语言教育家克拉申的“输入假说理论”(Input Hypothesis)是对我国外语教学界影响最为广泛的理论之一,其核心“可理解性输入理论”为探究我国多媒体英语教学与语言输入之间的关系提供了一个很好的理论框架。本文基于克拉申的“输入假说理论”,结合基础教育阶段学生认知发展的特点,分析了可理解性输入理论对基础教育阶段多媒体英语教学的指导意义,着重阐释了输入假说理论和多媒体英语教学融合的积极
【摘要】从语言学的角度来解决翻译中的问题,是西方语言学的最大的特点。在翻译中应用语言学知识方面,“语域理论”尤为突出。简单来说,语域就是指人们说话是为了什么。语域理论,是以韩礼德为代表的西方语言学家,将社会与语言联系在一起的语言学理论,揭示了不同的情景下语言变化的总体原则。在翻译中,语域的恰当处理能够使译文锦上添花,更准确传达语言的情感与意图。  【关键词】语域理论;翻译实践;语场;语式;语旨