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凉山州制糖业经过20多年的发展,已形成具有一定生产规模的甘蔗原料、制糖加工的制糖生产体系,为全州经济发展,农民脱贫致富作出了重要贡献,已成为凉山州工业经济的重要行业。随着国民经济的快速发展和经济体制改革的逐渐深入,凉山州制糖业也应在充分分析行业优、劣势之后,找准继续发展路子,制定好发展战略,为促进凉山州制糖业的持续稳定发展,振兴凉山经济再立新功。 一、制糖业发展具有的自然优势,食糖市场前景好 凉山州位于四川省西南部,地处横断山脉中段东缘,面积6万多平方公里。在凉山州金沙江流域的干热河谷和安宁河中下游海拔1300米以下地带是甘蔗种植的集中分布区,包括宁南、会东、德昌、会理、金阳、雷波等县, After more than 20 years of development, the Liangshan Sugar Industry has formed a sugar production system with sugarcane raw materials and sugar processed at a certain scale of production. It has made important contributions to the economic development of the whole province and farmers to help them get out of poverty. It has become an industrial economy in Liangshan Prefecture. Important industry. With the rapid development of the national economy and the gradual deepening of the reform of the economic system, the sugar industry in Liangshan Prefecture should, after fully analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the industry, find out the way to continue development and formulate a development strategy to promote the sugar industry in Liangshan Prefecture. Sustained and stable development will rejuvenate Liangshan’s economy and make new contributions. First, the natural advantages of the development of sugar industry, sugar market prospects Liangshan Prefecture is located in the southwest of Sichuan Province, is located in the eastern edge of the middle of the Hengduan Mountains, an area of ​​over 60,000 square kilometers. The dry and hot valleys in the Jinsha River valley of Liangshan and the areas below 1300 meters above sea level in the middle and lower reaches of the Anning River are the concentrated distribution areas for sugarcane cultivation, including the counties of Ningnan, Huidong, Dechang, Huili, Jinyang and Leibo.
日前Kopin Corporation及摩托罗拉共同宣布,Kopin公司的CyberDisplay(TM)主动式点矩阵液晶显示器,不管是单色或者是彩色机型,都已经完全符合摩托罗拉公司针对消费性应用所制
煤炭企业如何在市场经济中生存、发展和壮大,这是当前煤炭企业急需解决的重要课题。本文试从半溪煤矿的实践探索涪陵地区国有煤矿企业的改革与出路。 半溪煤矿是涪陵地区在
我国顺酐生产总声量逐年增长。主要用于制不饱和聚酯,其次为涂料、农药及其它化学 The total production volume of maleic anhydride in China has increased year by yea
ERNI Elektroapparats GmbH在由Siemens Works主持的所有机电供应商参加的1996/1997商业年公众网供应商评比中获得第一名殊荣。 在本次评比中,按照技术标准和采购标准对参评
我高中时遇上了一位英语老师,水平不怎么好,口语尤其差劲。那会儿我们买VCD看原版电影,已经能分辨英语的好坏了。全班同学都对他意见很大,一些家长还反映到校长那里,要换掉他,但最后还是没成功。家境比较好的同学,就找全校最好的英语老师补习。那个老师周末没有休息时间,在校外租了间大教室,滚动开班。  我们家舍不得花钱,所以我一直在英语这一科上有点抬不起头。成绩说不上差,但总是恹恹地提不起兴致。想到那些接受
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