【摘 要】
Extensive USGS data tables and detailed, 1 m2 LiDAR surveys are used to determine the optimal power n that relates discharge (Q) to stage (h*) above channel bot
【机 构】
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis MO 63130, USA;470 Colum
Extensive USGS data tables and detailed, 1 m2 LiDAR surveys are used to determine the optimal power n that relates discharge (Q) to stage (h*) above channel bottom (ho) at 39 gauging stations on small streams in the St. Louis, Missouri area, all of which have catchments of 0.6 to 220 km2. Four dif-ferent methodologies are employed to determine both n and ho: (1) optimizing linearity in a plot of Q1/n vs. local stage (hL) using USGS field measurements at each site; (2) optimizing linearity in a plot of Q1/n vs. hL using USGS rating tables at each site; (3) a mathematical inverse method applied to the same USGS rating tables; (4) use of LiDAR data on channel geometry to determine the power dependences of channel area A and hydraulic radius H on h*, combined with the Manning and rational equations to predict n. Of these methods, only methods 2 and 3 compare favorably, and these values compare poorly with Method 1 based on field data, and with method 4 based on theoretical and empirical relationships. Because Method 4 is predictive, it provides a useful alternative to methods 1–3 that are based on USGS field measurements, which are heavily weighted toward low discharges. We conclude that the apparent values of n in the USGS rating tables are systematically too low for small streams.
为了增强广义低秩矩阵逼近(Generalized Low Rank Approximations of Matrices,GLRAM)的鲁棒性与稳定性,提出稳定广义低秩矩阵逼近(Stable GLRAM,SGLRAM)算法。将每个数据矩阵分解为低秩成分、稀疏噪声和稠密高斯噪声之和,并考虑了数据缺失情形。为了恢复低秩矩阵,建立最小化矩阵l_1范数与Frobenious范数的优化问题,并设计求解它的交
风流灵巧者,伶俐标致多,众口说晴雯,《晴雯》不好写。 曹雪芹将晴雯列在《金陵十二钗又副册》之首,其画“既非人物,又非山水,不过水墨滃染的满纸乌云浊雾而已。”在曹雪芹笔下,晴雯是着墨较多的一个,如许多的人物中,晴雯是反抗性最强的一个。她风流灵巧,伶俐标致,率性激情,富有个性,演绎出更多的悲欢离合。故大家共论,晴雯不好写。 但是,老红学家李成军先生写了,且写得跌宕起伏,曲折诱人,摇曳多姿,语言唯美
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