Endoscopic ultrasonography and submucosal resection in the diagnosis and treatment of rectal carcino

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Rectal carcinoid rumors are often diagnosed assubmucosal tumors on radiological or endoscopicexaminations.Usually,its definite size and character,theinfiltration of muscularis propria and vessels can not becorrectly diagnosed preoperatively.In recent years,endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS)has been used in thediagnosis of submucosal tumors of the gastrointestinaltracts.Conventional endoscopic polypectomy allowslocal excision of local tumors,but is often associated withrumor involvement of the resection margin thatnecessitates further interventions.In this study wedetermined the characteristics of rectal carcinoid tumorsby using EUS,and evaluated endoscopic submucosalresection(ESMR)in treating rectal carcinoid tumors. Often, its definite size and character, the infiltration of muscularis propria and vessels can not becorrectly diagnosed preoperatively.In recent years, endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) has been used in the diagnosis of submucosal tumors. of the gastrointestinaltracts. Conventional endoscopic polypectomy allowslocal excision of local tumors, but is often associated with rumor involvement of the resection margin that necessitates further interventions. In this study wedetermined the characteristics of rectal carcinoid tumorsby using EUS, and ascending endoscopic submucosal recuperation (ESMR) in treating rectal carcinoid tumors.
【语气熟稔,像多年的朋友】  他们是因为听戏熟识的。  其实早就认识了,景少辉和公司一直有业务往来,陈飒是公司的财务总监,经常要处理双方的账目。景少辉的公司很小,业务量也小,没事便来公司找冯伟,简直是闲得慌,每每路过陈飒的办公室,便停下来,隔着玻璃墙向她挥手,仿佛和陈飒很熟似的。冯伟为他们做过介绍,双双点了头、握了手,仅此而已。  陈飒的母亲是京剧团的演员,陈飒从小耳濡目染,对京剧虽然没有喜欢到如
患者 女性,33岁,因无意中发现双侧乳腺无痛性肿物1周,于2005年11月1日入院.体查:左侧乳腺内上、内下象限分别可触及一肿物,大小约1.8 cm×1.3 cm和1.7 cm×1.2 cm,右侧外上象限可触及一1.1 cm×1.0 cm大小肿物,表面不光滑,边界欠清楚,质硬,无压痛,活动度好,左腋窝可触及一大小约1.0 cm×1.0 cm肿大淋巴结,右侧腋窝未触及淋巴结肿大.B超检查提示:(1)