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一、战略指导思想确定厦门特区未来十年经济社会发展的战略指导思想,必须综合考虑以下几点: 第一,把特区建设得更快更好。七年前,邓小平同志在湖里工业区挥笔写下“把经济特区办得更快些、更好些”的题词,这是办好我国五个经济特区的指导思想。放眼90年代,尽管我国其他地区开放事业也都蓬勃发展,开放格局发生了很大变化,特区的特殊政策不少方面已逐渐淡化,但“更快更好”的原则仍然没有失效,还应该继续坚持。过去十年的发展已为厦门奠定了坚实的基础,在向2000年迈进的途程中仍然应求快、求好。 I. Strategic Guidelines To determine the strategic guiding ideology of Xiamen in the economic and social development in the next ten years, we must consider the following points: First, to build the SAR more rapidly and better. Seven years ago, Comrade Deng Xiaoping penned a note in Huli Industrial Zone to write the inscription “to make the special economic zones faster and better,” which is the guiding principle for running well the five special economic zones in our country. Looking at the 1990s, despite the fact that the cause of opening up in other parts of our country has also thrived and the pattern of opening up has undergone great changes, many aspects of the special zone policy have gradually weakened. However, the principle of “getting better and faster” has not yet expired and should continue adhere to. The development of the past decade has laid a solid foundation for Xiamen. As we move forward in 2000, we should still be quicker and better off.
Background Prior estimates of lifetime risk (LTR) for cardiovascular disease (CVD) examined the impact of blood pressure (BP) at the index age and did not accou
一、把握气候 由于天冷,出行不宜过早,一般在上午10时左右到晚4时前收竿,因冬季午时是垂钓的最佳时机,早晚天冷鱼基本上不吃食。另外,注意收听天气预报,最好选晴天,温差不宜
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Background Renal sympathetic denervation is a promising technique for the treatment of resistant hypertension. We evaluated a novel method for chemical sympathe