
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuzhisuixin
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Objective.Patients with non-cardiac chest pain(NNCP) suffer from unexplained and often intractable pain which can pose a major clinical problem.The aim of this study was to investigate nociceptive processing in NNCP patients and their response to experimentally acid-induced oeso-phageal hyperalgesia using a multimodal stimulation protocol.Material and methods.Ten highly selected patients with NCCP(mean age 43 years,1 M) were compared with an age-and gender-matched group of 20 healthy subjects.After preconditioning,the distal oesophagus was painfully distended with a balloon using “ impedance planimetry”.This method assesses the luminal cross-sectional area of the oesophagus based on the electrical impedance of the fluid inside the balloon.The baseline distensions were done before and after pharmacological relaxation of the smooth muscle with 20 mg butylscopolamine.After baseline distensions,a series of up to 10 mechanical stimuli was performed(temporal summation) .The stimulations were repeated after sensitization of the oesophagus induced by acid perfusion.The sensory intensities were assessed during the stimulations and the referred pain area was mapped.Results.At baseline distensions,no differences were seen between patients and controls before and after relaxation of the smooth muscles.The patients tolerated fewer repeated distensions than controls(4.8± 0.5 versus 9.1± 0.9;p =0.04) and had an increased size of the referred pain areas to the mechanical stimulations(32.9± 6.2 versus 64.9± 18.3 cm2 ;p =0.01) .After sensitization with acid,the patients developed hyperalgesia(p < 0.001) ,whereas no significant changes were seen in controls.Conclusions.NCCP patients showed facilitated central pain mechanisms(temporal summation and visceral hyperalgesia after sensitization) .This could be used in the diagnosis and understanding of the symptoms in these patients. Objective.Patients with non-cardiac chest pain (NNCP) suffer from unexplained and often intractable pain which can pose a major clinical problem. The AIM of this study was to investigate nociceptive processing in NNCP patients and their response to experimentally acid-induced oeso- phageal hyperalgesia using a multimodal stimulation protocol. Material and methods. often highly selected patients with NCCP (mean age 43 years, 1 M) were compared with an age-and gender-matched group of 20 healthy subjects. After preconditioning, the distal oesophagus was painfully distended with a balloon using “impedance planimetry”. This method assesses the luminal cross-sectional area of ​​the oesophagus based on the electrical impedance of the fluid inside the balloon. The baseline distensions were done before and after pharmacological relaxation of the smooth muscle with 20 mg butylscopolamine. After baseline distensions, a series of up to 10 mechanical stimuli was performed (temporal summation). The stimulations were repeated after sensitization of the oesophagus induced by acid perfusion. the sensory intensities were assessed during the stimulations and the referred pain area was mapped. Results. At baseline distensions, no differences were seen between patients and controls before and after relaxation of the smooth muscles The patients tolerated less repeated distensions than controls (4.8 ± 0.5 versus 9.1 ± 0.9; p = 0.04) and had an increased size of the referred pain areas to the mechanical stimulations (32.9 ± 6.2 versus 64.9 ± 18.3 cm2; p = 0.01) . After sensitization with acid, the patient developed hyperalgesia (p <0.001), no significant changes were seen in controls. Conclusions. NCCP patients showed facilitated central pain mechanisms (temporal summation and visceral hyperalgesia after sensitization). This could be used in the diagnosis and understanding of the symptoms in these patients.
打天下要人才,像杨坚这样用禅让的方式得江山的,同样需要人才的帮衬。其中,有两个被杨坚委以重任的关键人物,一个是高熲(jiǒng),另一个是苏威。这两个人,在隋文帝前期的执政团队中,很有代表性。  一、高熲与苏威  高熲(541—607),渤海蓚(今河北景县东)人,早年在北周齐王宇文宪麾下任职。由于父亲高宾的缘故,他与杨坚有了一层特殊的关系。在别人还对杨坚辅政持犹疑态度的时候,高熲就跟杨坚说:“即使
徐光启是明代著名科学家,尤其精于农学和天文学的研究,编著有《农政全书》等。  对农业种植兴趣浓厚,用心学习  徐光启的父亲叫徐思诚,原是商人出身。由于他善于经营,买卖兴隆,越做越大。谁知,天有不测风云,他家失窃,多年辛勤经营获得的财产,一夜之间被盗贼洗劫一空。  当时,徐光启兄弟姐妹年龄尚小,一家人全靠母亲一人纺线织布维持家庭生活是不成的。从年轻时就经商的徐思诚,不得不学着做些农活,种点儿棉花、蔬
高祖性严重a,令行禁止,勤于政事。每旦听朝,日昃忘倦b。虽啬于财c,至于赏赐有功,即无所爱;将士战没,必加优赏,仍遣使者劳问其家。爱养百姓,劝课农桑,轻徭薄赋。其自奉养,务为俭素,乘舆御物,故弊者随宜补用;自非享宴,所食不过一肉;后宫皆服浣濯之衣d。  天下化之,开皇、仁寿之间,丈夫率衣绢布,不服绫绮e,装带不过铜铁骨角,无金玉之饰f。故衣食滋殖,仓库盈溢。受禅之初,民户不满四百万,末年,逾八百九
尔朱荣镇压了六镇暴动中的兵民,先后收留了两个六镇骁将:怀朔镇的高欢和武川镇的宇文泰。北魏就分裂在这两个枭雄手里。对于他们建立的霸业来说,尔朱荣不过是为他人作嫁的匆匆过客。高欢(496—547)主政的朝廷叫东魏,他的对手宇文泰(507—556)主政的朝廷叫西魏。同样是枭雄,二者风格并不一样。  那么,高欢有怎样的奋斗史呢?  一、帅哥高欢的起家  高欢本来是汉人,自称出身渤海士族高氏,可是,他的生活