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  1. —Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?
  —_____ . Oh yes! It is past the post office, next to a big market. (全国卷Ⅰ)
  A. Mm, let me think.
  B. Oh, I beg your pardon?
  C. You’re welcome.
  D. What do you mean?
  【解析】 从下文的“Oh yes”可知,前面应该是表示一个思考的过程,其它选项无此意,故选A。
  2. —I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?
  —_____ . I’m not using it anyhow. (全国卷Ⅰ)
  A. Sure; go ahead B. I don’t know
  C. Yes; indeed D. I don’t care
  【解析】 A表示毫不犹豫地去干某事,译为“说吧、走吧、干吧”,此处为委婉请求的答语,表示“用吧”,根据上下文该选A。
  3. —Would you take this along to the office for me?
  —_____ . (浙江卷)
  A. With pleasure B. That’s right
  C. Never mind D. Don’t mention it
  【解析】 A表示乐意效劳,C是道歉的答语,D是感谢的答语,故选A。又如2005年两道题:
  —Do you think I could borrow your bicycle?
  A. How come?_____ B. Take your time.
  C. Yes, go on. D. Yes, help yourself.
  【解析】 首先用YES表示同意,再说“你拿吧”,答案为D。
  —Could you do mea favor and take these books to my office?
  —Yes,_____. (2005山东)
  A. for pleasure B. I could
  C. my pleasure D. with pleasure
  【解析】 对于别人的请求表示同意可以用: Yes / Help yourself / Yes, go ahead / With pleasure / No problem等,故答案为D。
  4. —Will you be able to finish your report today?
  —_____ . (全国卷Ⅱ)
  A. I like it B. I hope so
  C. I’ll do so D. I’d love it
  【解析】 答案为B。替代词so可跟在某些词后,如think, hope, believe, expect, imagine, suppose等,以替代肯定结构中的that从句,避免重复;替代词not的用法与so 相似,但只能替代否定结构的that从句。
  5. —Which driver was to blame ?
  _____—Why,_____! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars. (北京卷)
  A. both B. each C. either D. neither
  【解析】 根据下文可知,两个司机都无过失,对两者的否定用 neither。答案为D。
  6. —I reminded you not to forget the appointment.
  —_____ . (江西卷)
  A. So you did B. So I do not
  C. So did you D. So do I
  【解析】 A项表示“你的确提醒了我”,用于对前面内容表示认同、确认,不用倒装形式;C项表示上文情况也适合于后者,用倒装形式但语意不通。故选A。同类型见下题:
  7. —It’s burning hot today, isn’t it ?
  —Yes,_____ yesterday. (福建卷)
  A. So was it B. So it was
  C. So it is D. So is it
  【解析】 答案为A,表示上文情况也适合于后者,用倒装结构,又因为yesterday用过去时。又如2005年的一考题:
  —Father, you promised!
  —Well,_____. But it was you who didn’t keep your word first. (2005湖北卷)
  A. So was I B. So did I
  C. So I was D. So I did
  【解析】 So did I 表示不同的人作同样的事,So I did 表承认自己作了某事,“did”代替“promised”,答案为D。
  8. —Would you like some more soup?
  —_____ . It is delicious, but I’ve had enough. (重庆卷)
  A.Yes, please B. No, thank you C. Nothing more D. I’d like some
  【 解析】 回答就餐用语,表示委婉拒绝常用No, thanks. / No, I have had enough.若表达“好的,再来一点”,应该说Yes,thanks. / Yes, just a little. / Yes, but onlya little.故答案为B。又如2005年的一考题:
  —Would you like some more tea ?
  —_____ , please. (20 05全国卷)
  A. No more B. Just a little
  C. I’ve had enough D. Yes, I would
  【解析】 题干有“please”,因此表示肯定和接受,只有B项最符合习惯表达。
  9. —How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?
  —Well, I_____ somehow. (重庆卷)
  A. get along B. come on
  C. watch out D. set off
  【解析】 答案为A,get along=get on,表示“无论怎样我都会继续进行下去”,其它项无此意。
  10. —Mr. Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. Don’t you forget it!
  —Ok, I_____. (重庆卷)
  A. won’t B. don’t C. will D. do
  【解析】 答案为A。I won’t = I won’t forget it.
  11. —How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?
  —_____ , but I’ve got to go over my notes for tomorrow’s exam. (重庆卷)
  A. All right B. Sounds great
  C. I can’t D. No, I am terribly sorry
  【解析】 对对方提建议常用How about ...?句型,对别人的建议表示同意的表达方式常用Good idea. / Ok. / It’s a good idea. / Why not? / (It) sounds great.等。故选B。
  —Let’s go to a movie after work, Ok?
  —_____ . (2005山东卷)
  A. Not at all B. Why not?
  C. Never mind D. What of it?
  【解析】 B项表示“为什么不”,根据上文意为“这是一个好主意,何不这样呢?” 故选B。
  —How about putting some pictures into the report?
  —_____A picture is worth a thousand words.( 2005江苏卷)
  A. No way. B. Why not?
  C. All right? D. No matter.
  【解析】 对对方提建议用How about ...?回答时用Why not 表示赞同,故选B。
  12. —I’m dead tired. I can’t walk any farther, Jenny.
  —_____ , Tommy, you can do it!(江西卷)
  A. No problem B. No hurry
  C. Come on D. That’s Ok
  【解析】 Come on 本意为“跟着来”,此处表劝说、激励,译做“来”,“快”,故答案为C项。又如2005年的一考题:
  —It’ll take at least 2 hours to do this !
  —Oh,_____! I could do it in 30 minutes.
  A. come on B. pardon me
  C. you are right D. don’t mention it
  【解析】 A用作表鼓励、挑战、恳求或要求的感叹词,在此表示“看我的”。B表示“原谅我”,C表示“你说得对”,D表示“别客气”,故选A。
  13. —Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s oral class this morning.
  —_____ ? As far as I know, he never came late to class.(江西卷)
  A. How come B. So what
  C. Why not D. What for
  【解析】 How come ...? = Why is it that ...?意为“怎么会这样呢”,故选A。例如:
  How come we don’t see you more often?
  14. —I’m terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty.
  —_____ . (陕西卷)
  A. Sorry B. Never mind
  C. Don’t mention it D. That’s right
  【解析】 A项表示道歉,B项是对道歉的答语,C项是对感谢的答语,故答案为B项。
  15. —I’m sorry I’m late. I got held up in the traffic on my way here.
  —_____ . (辽宁卷)
  A. Don’t be late next time B. You should be blamed
  C. It doesn’t matter, I’m also late
  D. Never mind, come and sit down
  【解析】 同上分析选D。又如2005年的三考题:
  —Oh dear! I’ve just broken a window.
  —_____ . It can’t be helped. (2005全国卷)
  A. Never mind B. All right
  C. That’s fine D. Not at all
  【解析】 A表示“不要紧”、“没关系”,B、C都表示“赞同”,D表示“毫不介意”。It can’t be helped.表“急也没法”。答案为A。
  —James, I am sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning.
  —_____ . (2005福建卷)
  A. That’s all right B. It’s a pleasure
  C. You are welcome D. Don’t mention it
  【解析】 B、C、D都是对感谢的答语,A是对表达歉意的最佳回答。表示道歉常用Sorry. / I’m sorry.其答语常用That’s all right. / Nothing. / Never mind. / It doesn’t matter. / Ok.等。
  —I’m terribly sorry I broke your glass.
  —_____ . (2005安徽卷)
  A. That’s right B. Bad luck
  C. Sorry D. You can forget it
  【解析】 D项是对别人表达歉意的最佳回答,在此处也是唯一的选项。
  16. —I’m thinking of the text tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.
  —_____ ! I’m sure you’ll make it.(天津卷)
  A. Go ahead B. Good luck
  C. No problem D. Cheer up
  【解析】 答案为D,它表示“振作起来”,为鼓励用语。
  17. —Excuse me, sir, is the swimming pool open all day?
  —_____ . Only from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.(广东卷)
  A. That’s right
  B. Yes, of course
  C. Sorry, I am not sure
  D. Sorry, I’m afraid not
  【解析】 A、B、C语意明显和下文矛盾,故选D。
  18. —Andrew won’t like it, you know.
  —_____ ? I don’t care what Andrew thinks. (广东卷)
  A. So what B. So where
  C. So why D. So how
  【解析】 答案为A,表示“那又怎样”,用于承认某事是真实,但质询由此会推论出何种结论。不过,这种情况更多的是用what of it来表达。
  19. —How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joana ?
  —_____ . (山东卷)
  A. Oh, wonderful indeed
  B. I went there alone
  C. First by train and then by ship
  D. A guide showed me the way
  【解析】 对方是问对事物的感觉,不是问去的方式,故选A。
  20. —You know who came yesterday?
  —Yao Ming? We had a basketball match.
  —_____He came and watched the game.(湖北卷)
  A. You guessed it!
  B. How did you know that?
  C. Well done!
  D. That was good news!
  【解析】 根据上下文表示“你猜对了”,故选A。
  21. —What a beautiful picture you’ve drawn?
  —_____ . (四川卷)
  A. Not at all B. Thank you
  C. You’re great D. I’m proud of you
  【解析】 当受到对方恭维时的答语通常为Thank you.
  22. —Do you mind my smoking here ?
  —_____ . (四川卷)
  A. No, thanks B. No, good idea
  C. Yes, please D. Yes, better not
  【解析】 D项表示“介意,最好不要抽”,其它选项不合题意。又如2005年的一考题:
  —Would you mind my coming over and having a look at your new garden? My little son’s curious about those roses you grow.
  —_____ . You’re welcome. (2005湖北卷)
  A. Yes, I do B. Never mind
  C. Yes, please D. Not at all
  【解析】 A项和C项与下文You’re welcome矛盾,关键要区分“B项和D项”,B项表示“不要紧”、“没关系”,(让别人不要介意),D项表示“毫不介意”,根据语境,最佳选项为D项。对于Would you mind ... / Do you mind ...?的回答,常用否定形式表示允许,如No, not at all / Of course not / Certainly not / No, go ahead等,若表示介意常用I’m afraid ... / I’m sorry, but ... 或I’d rather you didn’t ... 等。
  23. —How are you getting on with your cleaning? Do you need my help?
  —_____ , but I think I am all right.(安徽卷)
  A. No, thanks
  B. That’s Ok
  C. You are helpful
  D. That’s very kind of you
  【解析】 因为文中的but的存在,首先可排除B项和C项,A项与下文也不存在转折关系,故只能选D项。
  24. —It’s been raining for a whole week. I think it’ll get fine soon.
  —_____ . We are getting into the rainy season now.(安徽卷)
  A.Yes, it will B. Of course not
  C. It’s possible D. It’s hard to say
  【解析】 根据下文提示,进入雨季天气好转与否还难以判定,首先可以排除A项和B项,C项与下文明显存在矛盾,故选D项。
  25. —These books are too heavy for me to carry.
  —_____ . (辽宁卷)
  A. You may ask for help
  B. I’ll give you a hand
  C. I’ll do you a favor
  D. I’d come to help
  【解析】 寻求帮助的答语为B。
第一部分:听力(略)  第二部分:词汇知识运用(共二节,满分40分)  第一节:多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。  21. After a decade of separation, the sisterslong for this_______.   A. reunionB. reputation
一、 重点句型解析    1. as if 引导方式状语从句  【教材例句】  Most exchange students say that they feel as if they were truly part of their host families and that they will always stay in touch.  【高考链接】  Eliza remembers ev
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Ⅰ. 2006年高考英语湖北卷回顾  2006年全国普通高考继续沿着“统一考试,分省命题”的轨道前进,教育部考试中心为半数省区提供了含听力与不含听力卷各一套,另有16个省市自主命题。湖北省仍为语文、数学、英语三科单独命题,所有试卷都遵循教育部《高中英语教学大纲(2000年试验修订版)》以及考试中心2006年“全国统一考试大纲”而命制。绝大多数试卷和试题都能够较好地体现高考的考查要求与改革方向。  
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