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例1 张某;男,45岁,厨师。因低热、咳嗽、咯血半个月于1985年9月24日就诊。体检:一般情况好,全身浅表淋巴结不大,气管居中,心肺无异常。腹软、肝脾不大。肝肾功能正常。正侧位胸片示右中叶肺不张。纤支镜见中叶内侧段支气管开口处有一菜花样肿物将管口阻塞。肿瘤组织活检、病理报告为肺透明细胞癌。剖胸探查,见肿瘤位于右中叶内侧段支气管内,约3×4cm,质地较硬。界线清楚,无包膜,未见肺门淋巴结转移。病理检查:肿块3×3.5cm,灰黄色、境界清楚。肿瘤多呈大圆形或椭圆形细胞组成,胞浆染色较为透明,部分细胞含有细小颗粒,胞体较大、细胞核中等大小,圆形,核仁清楚。PAS染色阴性,Alcian blue染色阴性。病理诊断:右肺透明细胞癌。 Example 1 Zhang; male, 45 years old, cook. He was diagnosed with low fever, cough, and hemoptysis on September 24, 1985. Physical examination: The general situation is good, the superficial lymph nodes are not large, the trachea is in the middle, and the heart and lungs are not abnormal. Soft abdomen, small liver and spleen. Liver and kidney functions are normal. The right lateral chest radiograph shows right middle lobe atelectasis. In the bronchoscope, there is a cauliflower-like mass at the opening of the bronchus in the middle segment of the bronchoscope to obstruct the orifice. The tumor tissue biopsy and pathology report were clear cell carcinoma of the lung. Thoracic exploration, see the tumor is located in the inner bronchus of the right middle lobe, about 3 × 4cm, hard texture. The borderline is clear, no capsule, no hilar lymph node metastasis. Pathological examination: mass 3 × 3.5cm, grayish yellow, clear boundary. Tumors mostly consist of large round or elliptical cells. The cytoplasm is stained more transparently. Some cells contain fine particles, the cell body is large, the cell nucleus is of medium size, round, and the nucleolus are clear. PAS staining was negative and Alcian blue staining was negative. Pathological diagnosis: right lung clear cell carcinoma.
1960至1970年20年间屍检所见75岁以上男性肺癌67例。最大年龄89岁:多为75至80岁。仅6例85岁以上。 67例占20年间民检肺癌总数的8.5%(67/786),比某些报告略低。 肺癌中上皮癌
皮肤癌以手术治疗和放射治疗为主。现将我科1975年1月~1981年12月收治的84例皮肤癌的放射治疗远期疗效作一回顾性分析。 临床资料 一、性别、年龄:男51例,女33例,男:女为1.55
亲和组织化学(Affinity Histochemistry)是利用一种物质对某一种组织成份的高度亲和能力发展起来的细胞、组织化学。亲和组织化学包括抗原与抗体、凝集素与糖类、生物素与抗
本文应用S100蛋白、癌胚抗原(CEA)、细胞角蛋白和角蛋白的过氧化酶酶标免疫组化技术对12例上皮内恶性黑色素瘤(恶性黑色素瘤Ⅰ级) (MMI)、9例 This article uses S100 prot