
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvsby2009
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国人对数字很敏感。用“二”形容一个人时,多有自嘲或讥讽的意味在,或许就是俗话所说的“不靠谱”吧。但“三”就不同了——三只手,三岔口,三上三下,以至于三国等等,是说一种有别于常态的状况、情势。总之,是指一种特殊性,一种例外。比如击掌。在中国人的习惯中,是表示一种承诺和盟约。晋剧中有一整本戏叫《王宝钏》,其中有一折子叫《三 People are sensitive to numbers. “” Two “to describe a person, more self-deprecating or satirical mean, perhaps is the saying goes ” do not fly “it. However, ”three“ is different - three hands, three fork in the mouth, three in three, so that the three countries, etc., is to say a situation different from the normal situation. In short, refers to a particular, an exception. Such as high-five. In the Chinese custom, it is a promise and a covenant. There is an entire drama in the Jin opera called ”Wang Bao 钏“, among them there is a surname called ”three
例1 若某种铁的氧化物20克,被一氧化碳完全还原后可得到纯铁14克。试通过计算推测此氧化物的化学式。 解法1:设氧化物的化学式为Fe_aO_b。 由(aFe)/(Fe_aO_b)=14克/20克,有(
一、重点知识与主要功能项目 1. Grammar A. The object clause Miss Gao asked if they liked the game. Mr Smith asked his son whether he wanted a newbag. B. The pas
趣味阅读理解(初三适用) Ron was tall and strong and liked all kindsof sports. He ran fast and jumped high. He wasgood at playing football and basketball. He oft
长期冷清的公司会议室,因《当代工人》记者地到来而热闹起来。重聚让职工们百感交加,也让吴博军等工会干部回想起热腾腾的往日时光。陈常树和刘建波是最能讲的两位,也是这群人困境的代表。他们即将退出职业舞台,老有所养、病有所医,成了他们迫切而又唯一的要求。  公司与我,都舍不得  1985年,为了响应市政府“大集体单位优先解决待业青年就业问题”的号召,多种经营公司面向社会招聘了800多名城市户口的青年。“像
Mr Baker lost his work last September.Once he gave some food to a poor woman. Theboss of the restaurant (饭馆老板) found it andbecame angry: the man often sold