可换箱体正以压倒ISO集装箱的优势运用于英吉利海峡隧道的多式联运中。当1994年7月开始隧道运输时,许多承运商对这两种设备中哪种更受货主青睐心中无底,英国承运商开始时不愿意在运输设备方面进行投资。 然而,1994年末到1995年初,很多承运商已确信可换箱体是从英国经海底隧道到欧洲大陆市场的主要运货工具,许多运输代理/联运商(ctos)使用了可换箱体。 可换箱体早已被欧洲内陆贸易,特别是北欧和的斯堪的纳维亚贸易所接受。据估计,目前
Exchangeable bins are being used in multimodal transport across the Channel Tunnels with the advantage of overwhelming ISO containers. When tunneling started in July 1994, many carriers were far from satisfied with what the two types of equipment favored by shippers, and British carriers were initially reluctant to invest in transportation equipment. However, from the late 1994 to the beginning of 1995, many carriers were convinced that the changeable container was the main means of delivery from the UK through the Cross Harbor Tunnel to the European mainland. Many shipping agents / exchangers (ctos) used changeable containers. Exchangeable boxes have long been accepted by continental inland trade in Europe, particularly Scandinavian trade in Northern Europe and the United States. It is estimated that at present