Anti-nitric oxide production, anti-proliferation and antioxidant effects of the aqueous extract from

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aerostock
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Objective: To determine the cytotoxicity, reduction in nitric oxide production and antioxidative activity of the aqueous leaf extract from Tithonia diversifolia(T. diversifolia) in an in vitro model.Methods: Leaves of T. diversifolia were collected from natural habitats and extracted with distilled water using the decoction method. The cytotoxic effect of the extract in terms of cell viability was determined using RAW264.7 cells and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMCs) via the mitochondrial respiration method using the MTT reagent. The effect of the extract on lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced nitric oxide production in RAW264.7 cells was measured using the Griess reagent. The chemical antioxidant was evaluated by ABTS- and DPPH-radical scavenging assays.Results: The half-maximal cytotoxic concentration values were 145.87 mg/m L and73.67 mg/m L for human PBMCs and RAW264.7 cells, respectively. In the presence of phytohemagglutinin-M, the IC_(50) on PBMCs proliferation was 4.42 mg/m L. The noncytotoxic range of the extracts inhibited LPS-induced nitrite production in RAW264.7 cells with an IC_(50) value of 11.63 mg/m L. To determine the anti-oxidative properties, the N-acetyl cysteine equivalent antioxidant capacity of the extract was(32.62 ± 1.87) and(20.99 ± 2.79)mg N-acetyl cysteine/g extract, respectively determined by the ABTS-radical and DPPHradical assay. However, the extract did not confer death protection in a hydrogen peroxideinduced RAW264.7 co-culturing model.Conclusions: Our study demonstrated the immunomodulation caused by the aqueous leaf extract of T. diversifolia, resulting from the inhibition of phytohemagglutinin-Minduced PBMCs proliferation and LPS-induced nitric oxide production in RAW264.7macrophages. Although the anti-oxidative activity was presented in the chemical-based anti-oxidant assay, the extract cannot protect cell death from stress conditions.
相对于年轻人来说,中年人往往已经生活安定,物质条件也相对富裕,也许需要还房贷,但离房奴还有很大差距,除了生计之外,也开始思考许多形而上的问题。但观察那些危机感没那么严重的中年人,或许我们也能找到一些共性。  害怕失业,害怕不远未来即将来临的职业天花板,害怕老人突如其来的病重,他知道这是中年危机,却不知道该如何度过。  俗话说,三十而立,四十不惑。上升的事业,美满的家庭,父母健康小儿承欢,这本该是一
阻击任务中负伤,隐蔽疗养  今年96岁的王显聚出生在山东荷泽单县一个贫寒农家。1937年3月,家乡遭遇日寇铁蹄践踏,在地下党组织的介绍下,15岁的他毅然报名参加鲁西南抗日游击队,这支武装后被八路军黄河支队收编,王显聚成为一团二营六连二排的一名战士。  1940年8月,为粉碎敌人重兵扫荡,王显聚所在连队120人为掩护大部队突围,在山东济宁金乡县黄庄阻击日军,不幸被合围。激战中,王显聚被日寇炮弹击中,