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选用107个采自安徽、山东、江苏、湖北等不同地区棉花、玉米、水稻的串珠镰孢Fusarium moniliforme菌株,在含KClO3培养基上诱导筛选获得抗氯酸盐、不能还原利用硝酸盐的突变株(nitmutant)1081株,在MM、NM、HM等3种不同氮源培养基上划分出nitA、nitB、nitC、nitD四种突变类型,其中nitA出现频率最高,占总体76%;nitB和nitC其次,分别占12%和10%;nitD最少,占总体2%。采用nit突变体互补型配对技术,将供试菌株分别按地理来源和分离寄主进行配对培养,测得不同寄主群体内菌株的营养体亲合群(VCGs)数为56个,然后从每个VCG中随机抽取1个样本菌株,测定不同群体间菌株的VCG同一性,发现所抽取的56个菌株分属于54个VCGs,其中来自棉花的菌株Fm1、Fm2分别与来自玉米的菌株Fm19、Fm20属于同一VCG。按地理来源测定,4个群体共测得55个VCGs,其中来自山东的菌株Fm45和来自安徽的菌株Fm16发生亲和反应,属于同一VCG;107个菌株划分为54个VCGs。结果表明,串珠镰孢菌株群体内存在丰富的VCGs多样性。经多样性分析,不同地理来源的菌株平均1.9454个组成1个VCG,其P与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为0.5140和1.0365;不同寄主上分离的菌株平均1.9107个形成1个VCG,P与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为0.5234和0.9048。经t测验,两个群体Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H值间差异不显著(t=0.70小于t0.05=1.98),说明两个群体的VCG多样性无显著差异,相同地区来源的菌株的遗传相似性与相同寄主来源的遗传相似性相当。 107 Fusarium moniliforme strains were selected from cotton, maize and rice in different areas of Anhui, Shandong, Jiangsu and Hubei. The mutant strains were induced by screening with KClO3 medium containing perchlorate and nitrate, (nitrutant) 1081 strains were divided into four kinds of mutant types of nitA, nitB, nitC and nitD on MM, NM, HM and other three kinds of nitrogen sources, of which the highest frequency of nitA, accounting for 76% of the total; nitB and nitC , Accounting for 12% and 10% respectively; nitD was the least, accounting for 2% of the total. Using the complementary mutagenesis of nit mutants, the tested strains were pairwise cultured according to geographical origin and isolated host respectively. The number of vegetative associations (VCGs) of the strains in different host groups was determined to be 56, and then from each VCG One sample was randomly selected to determine the VCG identity of the isolates from different populations. The results showed that 56 isolates belonged to 54 VCGs, of which Fm1 and Fm2 from cotton belonged to the same VCG as Fm19 and Fm20 from maize . According to geographical origin, a total of 55 VCGs were detected in 4 populations. Fm45 from Shandong and Fm16 from Anhui belonged to the same VCG. 107 strains were divided into 54 VCGs. The results showed that there were rich diversity of VCGs in Fusarium moniliforme strains. According to diversity analysis, an average of 1.9454 strains from different geographical origins formed a VCG with P and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of 0.5140 and 1.0365 respectively. On average, 1.9107 strains isolated from different hosts formed one VCG, P and Shannon The Wiener diversity index was 0.5234 and 0.9048 respectively. There was no significant difference in Shannon-Wiener diversity index H between the two populations (t = 0.70
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