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目的了解甘肃省兰州市危险化工企业管理人员职业卫生知识知晓情况,为开展企业管理人员职业卫生健康教育提供基线资料,以利于预防和控制危险化学品事故发生。方法 2012年8~12月,随机抽取兰州市危险化工企业131家,对131名企业管理人员进行职业卫生知识问卷调查。结果 131名管理人员对15项调查指标的知晓率在6.9%~83.2%,其中签订的劳动合同有职业病危害告知内容等8项调查指标知晓率均低于50.0%;知晓率与管理人员文化程度、从事管理时间、所在企业经济性质及企业规模相关,中专及以下文化程度、从事管理工作10年及以下、小型及私有企业管理人员的知晓率较低。结论兰州市危险化工企业管理人员职业卫生知识水平还待提高,中专及以下文化程度、从事管理工作10年及以下、小型及私有企业管理人员是健康教育重点人群。 Objective To understand the situation of occupational health knowledge of hazardous chemical industry managers in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, and to provide baseline information for occupational health and health education of enterprise managers in order to prevent and control the occurrence of dangerous chemical accidents. Methods From August to December 2012, 131 hazardous chemicals enterprises were randomly selected in Lanzhou City, and a questionnaire survey on occupational health of 131 enterprise managers was conducted. Results The awareness rate of 131 managers among the 15 surveys was between 6.9% and 83.2%. The awareness rate of the eight survey indexes such as the contents of the occupational disease hazard notification signed in the labor contract was less than 50.0%. The awareness rate and the educational level of the management staff , Engaged in management time, where the economic nature of enterprises and business-related, secondary and lower education level, engaged in management for 10 years and below, the awareness of small and private enterprise managers is low. Conclusion The level of knowledge of occupational health in management of dangerous chemical enterprises in Lanzhou still needs to be improved, with secondary education and below education level, 10 years of management and below, and the management of small and private enterprises are the key population of health education.
【气候特点】  每年6月6日左右是二十四节气中的第九个节气——芒种。  和所有节气一样,这一节候和农作物是密切相关的,最适合播种有芒的谷类作物,如晚谷、黍、稷等。芒种也是种植农作物时机的分界点,由于天气炎热,已经进入典型的夏季,农事种作都以这一时节为界,过了这一节气,农作物的成活率就越来越低。农谚“芒种忙忙种”说的就是这个道理。  在芒种后期,我国的长江流域会出现雨期较长的连阴雨天气,因正值梅子黄