
来源 :广告大观(理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dmf625
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上世纪80年代以来,我国广告学学科建设不断从零散化、无序化逐步走向系统、成熟与完善,但在此发展 进程中,学科建设的各个层面都存在着很多不足。而对于广告学而言,学科建设的关键在于提升学术研究的水平,而 广告学学术研究的规范化正是现阶段提升广告学学术研究水平的最重要的问题之一。我国广告学学术研究中某些学 术规范的缺失,导致了广告学知识原创性的缺乏、广告学学术话语与市场话语之间界限模糊等现象的出现。但更重 要的是,目前还没有建立建设广告学术规范的基本意识,这将直接影响到广告学学科建设的可持续发展。因此,学 术规范化对于广告学术研究,乃至广告学科的建设至关重要,而广告学界同仁对于学术规范化本身的探讨则是广告 研究学术规范化的重要前提。故而在本文中,我们以学术规范化的视角对我国广告学学术研究现状进行整体审视,并 在此基础上,对于广告研究进行学术规范的途径作初步探讨,以期抛砖引玉,引发学界同仁的进一步思考和关注,而 这对于我国广告学学科建设将具有重要意义。 Since the 1980s, the discipline construction of advertising in our country has been systematized, matured and perfected gradually from fragmentation and disorder, but in this process of development, there are many deficiencies in all aspects of discipline construction. As to advertising science, the key to discipline construction lies in enhancing the academic research level. The standardization of academic research in advertising science is one of the most important issues in promoting the academic research of advertising at the present stage. The lack of certain academic norms in academic research of advertising in our country leads to the lack of originality of advertising knowledge and the appearance of fuzzy boundaries between academic discourse and market discourse in advertising science. But more importantly, there is no basic awareness of the construction of academic norms for advertising, which will directly affect the sustainable development of the discipline construction of advertising. Therefore, academic standardization is crucial for the academic research of advertising and even the construction of advertising subjects, while the discussion of academic standardization itself by colleagues in the advertising field is an important prerequisite for academic standardization of advertising research. Therefore, in this article, we review the status quo of academic research on advertising in our country from the perspective of academic standardization. On the basis of this, we make a preliminary study on the ways of academic research on advertising research, with a view to initiating further discussion and sparking further thinking and Concerned, and this will be of great significance to the discipline construction of our country’s advertising science.
From October 22 to 30, 2011, the 13th China Wuqiao Acrobatic Festival was held in Shijiazhuang, north China’s Hebei province.Co-organized by the Ministry of Cu
简单来说,出口退税就是指世界各国为提高本国产品在国际 市场竞争力,对出口货物已征收的国内税部分或全部退还给出口 商的措施。让出口产品尽可能以不含国内税的价格进入国际
倩号波长 ~ (w) 柏人 功串 (dBm)泵 浦激光器泵浦波长 b (urn)泵 率 (mw)r光纤数值孔径 NAe光纤Za(1fill) Et光纤截止彼长n (w)Et’+浓度Er光纤长度(m)增益(dB)精换效串I输出
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