Multifield coupling model and its applications for pile foundation in permafrost

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liujun87654
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Importing the interface element which links the frozen soil base with concrete piles and considering the couplings of stress field, temperature field and moisture field, this paper es- tablishes the nonlinear visco-elastic plastic finite element model of pile-soil. For a practical bridge structure the stress field and displacement field of single pile in freezing process are calculated. This paper emphatically studies the process of the tangential frost heave stress field, freezing stress field and displacement field varying with time, and ulteriorly studies time variation process of single pile carrying capacity in freezing process. Importing the interface element which links the frozen soil base with concrete piles and considering the couplings of stress field, temperature field and moisture field, this paper es- tablishes the nonlinear visco-elastic plastic finite element model of pile-soil. For a practical bridge structure the stress field and displacement field of single pile in freezing process are calculated. This paper emphatically studies the process of the tangential frost heave stress field, freezing stress field and displacement field varying with time, and ulteriorly studies time variation process of single pile carrying capacity in freezing process.
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