The influence of color on space

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  【Abstract 】: People know the world through organs, 80% of which comes from vision. The use and control of color is not only a major factor in functionality, but also an important means of aesthetics.Colors create a variety of emotions and have prominent bodies. The colour and lustre of different material will produce reaction in human psychology, bring about the association of people.
  【Key word】:Interior color; interior space;Spatial vision
  Color and part of our life, beautify the environment, act on our mood, life is enriched by color. Color is the soul of the interior design in the space is the least costly creation effect of most outstanding elements, change a space style, change its color collocation is the most time-saving, different colors can give a new look. Ruskin once said that color sense is as important to interior design as color is to painters. Every indoor space has a theme. The atmosphere is composed of all the elements in the space. It includes interior materials, construction techniques, furniture, furnishings and other design elements, forming the interior sound, lighting, color, shape harmony resonance, to meet the user's use and spiritual demands.
  The relationship between color and space
  The color design is a part of the interior space design, space light color and natural color decoration materials, various elements in interior space are color, these colors are the colors used in the space in the system. The color matching of the system determines the beauty, comfort and function of the space.
  The relationship between spatial function and color
  There are different functions in interior space, and the choice of colors is also distinguished. The ultimate goal of indoor environment is designed to make the material and spirit are better to enjoy, so the designer must understand people for environment cognition, collocation more rational use of various color characteristics, to enhance the application of color in the space.
  Color itself has a language, such as red is warm and impulsive, stimulating the human retina very active, can improve muscle function and promote blood circulation, he is often used to express vitality, active and so on. Green represents the life, reminiscent of plants, makes people feel relaxed and relaxed. Blue has a calming effect. Different colors are used in different functions of space, and the proportion of different colors in space also leads to the change of the spatial function.   The relationship between spatial scale and color
  Through the analysis of the actual case, it is found that the most traffic accidents each year are blue, followed by green, gray, white, red and black. Blue gives a visual illusion, but one feels that the car looks far away from the actual distance. Many facts reflect that one problem is that color is a progressive color and a fading color. Use color to adjust the scale relationship in space. You can use it to adjust some small space on the actual scale, and use color to make the space look more spacious.The role of color in spatial scale is also reflected in the spatial scope. Colors vary in hue and lightness, so that the color itself becomes varied. In the same space, this feature can be used to create different scales and make space change.
  The influence of interior space color on human psychology
  With the further study of color, the color gradually reflects the inner spiritual rhythm of people. When a man enters a space, the first thing he feels is the color in the space. The different visual perception produced by different colors has obvious influence on people.
  The different color also showed different degrees of reaction, with red stimulation and excitement of the nervous system, enhance the role of blood circulation, but excessive use, also can let a person produce anxiety and emotional stress; orange can produce energy, induce appetite, help stem the absorption of calcium, conducive to the recovery and to keep healthy, suitable for entertainment and catering and other places; blue can reduce pulse, adjust the balance, can reduce stress.
  In the different time and place, with the same color to decorate different space, two people produce the feeling also has the difference. Different environment, different growth environment, living habits, education and other differences have also created people's feelings about the color, and the experience of the United States is also different.
  According to the study, the newborn's perception of color is weak, and as they age, their perception of color is stronger, which indirectly explains why babies like bright colors.
  The influence of color on human psychology can also be caused by regional culture. Different regional cultures make different aesthetic attitudes. Moreover, different social thoughts and material life will affect the aesthetic level. Designers also need to have a thorough understanding of the local culture and humanities, so that they can design works that conform to the local aesthetic.
  The importance of color to space
  Color is the expression of a decent indoor aesthetic design of the important means, if used properly, often played a rich style, emphasizes its function, and can fully express the different indoor atmosphere and character, also can reflect the occupants sentiment. The arrangement of interior colors and the arrangement of colors on block surfaces. It is embodied in the use of hue, color block and light shade.
  Color plays an extremely important role in the whole indoor environment. Without any inch, there will be no influence on our life. With its rich color relationship, it adjusts people's psychology and emotion, stimulates people's imagination, and advances their efforts.
【摘要】:本文对观察艺术进行了简单阐述,并分析了其在新闻采访中的应用价值,最后结合笔者多年新闻工作实践经验,就观察艺术在新闻采访中的应用方法进行探讨与研究,并提出几点个人看法,希望能够为我国新闻事业的发展提供一点理论支持。  【关键词】:新闻采访;观察艺术;运用  引言:在信息交流与沟通越来越发达的背景下,作为一名记者,需要他们具有更高的专业技能与职业素养,时刻关注国家与人民动态,围绕党和人民的利
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【摘要】:古人把陶瓷业当作手工业的一种,也许在他们眼中没有那么多审美法则,他们只是单纯的做一件艺术品或生活用品,但就是在这些精美的器物之中,倒映出了唐王朝的兴衰荣辱,把生活中的一点一滴用艺术的方式表现出来,那是渗透在作品中的灵魂所在。  【关键词】:陶瓷艺术;人文思想;审美  陶瓷艺术是审美观念、工艺技术条件和彼时时代人文背景影响的综合表现效果,呈现给人们的是技术和艺术统一体,而同时体现出来的陶瓷
清人毛先舒在《诗辨坻》中说:“大历以后,解乐府遗法者,惟李贺一人。设色浓秒,而词旨多寓篇外。刻于撰语,浑于用意。”应该说,这是对李贺诗歌艺术成就的充分肯定。  中唐韩孟诗派的勃兴,唐诗的另一种美学风貌开始展现在人们面前。而这其中,李贺因其独特地艺术风格,成为唐代诗人中地一颗耀眼的明星,而他奇特的诗才则更是为后代所称赞。因此,人们将具有李贺诗特点的诗歌体式称为长吉体。长吉体在当时已被许多人效仿,而对
【摘要】:工业设计是一门交叉的学科。它不是孤立的一门学科,它与其他许多学科你中有我,我中有你,彼此之间相互渗透,有着千丝万缕的联系,本文从哲学的角度分析工业设计。  【关键词】:工业设计;哲学设计;理念;发展  工业设计是一项涉及范围很广的人类活动,处理的问题绝不仅仅是产品的问题,更关系到产品与人、社会以及环境之间的关系问题。可以说,工业设计在某种程度上规划着人类社会的发展,因此有必要从哲学的角度
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【摘要】:鲁迅将国外的艺术思想理论引入中国,以改造国民性为目的翻译了众多国外著作,这些著作对于中国的文艺建设有重要的意义。其中翻译的日本艺术类著作分别是厨川白村的《出了象牙之塔》、《苦闷的象征》和坂垣鹰穗《近代美术史朝论》,鲁迅将这些书籍翻译成中文,一方面弥补了中国在艺术领域的缺失,也同时想借助文艺的力量来增强民众的思想意识。  【关键词】:鲁迅;日本;翻译  鲁迅毕生所翻译的外国艺术著作,包含1
【摘要】:山本耀司是世界时装日本浪潮的设计师和新掌门人。他以简洁而富有韵味,线条流畅,反时尚的解构主义设计风格而著称。对於所有从事设计、趋向时尚的人来说,山本耀司代表的不仅仅是一个名字而已,相对于三宅一生的褶皱、未来, 川久保玲的玩乐、不羁,而山本耀司的特点是他的极简、奢华,作品非常精致低调,但是总有些出人意料,他跟三宅一生、川久保玲一样, 把西式的建筑设计意念与日式美学结合起來,使服装不再仅仅是