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北京市第六建筑公司的工人群众和北京市建筑工程研究所的技术人员,他们牢记毛主席“自力更生、艰苦奋斗”的教导,硬是凭着一颗红心两支手,在一个用木板拼凑成的厂房里,用几台皮带车床,制出了团结73型翻斗车和向阳号轮胎动臂起重机。制造这些起重机的设备条件确实是很差的,所谓加工设备,就是一台旧式台钻,两台老虎钳和几把锉。后来工人同志从外单位的废料堆里拣来了几台报废了十几年的旧机床,经过修复、拼凑,才算有了几台皮带车床。参加试制的工人,大部分不是机械工人,组长是位老木工,其他有烘炉工、钢筋工、白铁工、电锯工、油漆工等。他们穷则思变,不会画图就剪纸片,作模型;不懂机械原理,就向技术人员学习;没有设备就用手工操作,轴上的键槽硬是用凿子一下一下凿出来的。没有材料,他们就自带干粮,头顶烈日到钢厂的废钢堆上找,到物资回收公司找,到处理积压物资的仓库找。向阳1、2、3号的大齿圈和上下座圈就是利用找来的废旧物资改造的。旧汽车的变速箱,后牙包、各种旧齿轮都成了有用的好东西。但是,要把各式各样的旧部件装配成新机械确是不容易的。北京市建筑工程研究所的同志们和老工人一起,因材设计,反复想办法用旧料,搞代用。三年多来,经过不断革新,不断改造,终于制成了向阳1、2、3、4号六台起重机,为提高和解决垂直运输的机械化水平,贡献了力量。这两项技术革新成果都是在无产阶级文化大革命中试制成功的,都是在批林整风,批林批孔运动中逐步提高的。这两项技术革新成果,并不是什么“天才”人物制造出来的,而是我们建筑工人在三大革命斗争的实践中和科研人员一起研究制造出来的。这对于林贼和孔老二所宣扬的“上智下愚”、“英雄创造历史”等反动谬论是个有力回击。 The workers of the Beijing No. 6 Construction Company and the technical staff of the Beijing Institute of Building Engineering remembered that Chairman Mao’s teachings of “self-reliance and hard struggle” were simply made with a red heart and two hands. In the factory building, a few belt lathes were used to produce the Uni-73 Dump Truck and the Xiangyang Horn Boom Crane. The condition of the equipment for manufacturing these cranes is indeed very poor. The so-called processing equipment is an old bench drill, two vises and a few rakes. Later, the workers’ comrades picked up several old machine tools that had been scrapped for more than 10 years from the waste piles of the foreign units. After repairs and patchwork, they had a few belt lathes. Most of the workers who participated in the trial production were not mechanical workers. The leader was an old carpenter. Others were oven workers, steel workers, white iron workers, electric saw workers, and painters. If they are poor, they will change their minds. They will not draw pictures and cut papers to make models; if they don’t understand the principle of mechanics, they will learn from the technicians; if there is no equipment, they will use manual operations. The keyways on the shaft are hardened with a chisel. Without materials, they brought their own dry food and headed to the scrap yard of the steel mills to find them. They went to the material recycling companies to find them and to find warehouses that deal with the backlogs. Xiangyang 1, 2 and 3, the large ring gear and the upper and lower seats were rebuilt using the found waste materials. Old car gearboxes, back pockets, and all kinds of old gear have become useful things. However, it is not easy to assemble all kinds of old parts into new ones. The comrades of the Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Engineering together with the old workers, due to material design, repeatedly tried to use old materials and substitutes. For more than three years, after continuous innovation and continuous transformation, the six cranes No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 were finally made, contributing to the improvement and resolution of the mechanized level of vertical transportation. These two technological innovation achievements were all successfully developed in the proletarian cultural revolution, and they were all gradually improved in the forestry, forestry, and approval movement. The achievements of these two technological innovations were not created by the “genius” figures. Instead, they were studied and produced by the construction workers in the three major revolutionary struggles. This is a powerful counterattack against the counter-paradoxes such as “the underachievements of the supreme intellectuals” and “hero creation history” advocated by the forest thieves and Kong Lao-er.
随着新形势的变化,小学语文教学除了语文素养的培养和知识能力的传授外,还要强化学生的精神品质,提升学生的综合素质。小学生正处在习惯养成和价值观逐步定性的时期,因而在小学语文课堂教学中,开展法律德育教育,引导学生树立法律意识便显得极为重要。  一、依据日常生活,打造生活化教学情境  作为小学语文教师,充分利用语文学习的综合性特点,为学生创设法制教育的氛围,让学生在活动中学习,通过活动得到切身感受。小学