河南省济源市高级中学 追求卓越 争创一流

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河南省济源市高级中学是一所快速发展的学校。学校在河南省“五一劳动奖章”获得者、河南省特级教师、河南省济源市劳动模范陈立红校长的带领下,汲取先进的教育理论,总结学校数十年办学经验,提出了“绿色教育”的办学理念,立志“把校园建设成为绿色庄园,把教师培养成为绿色园丁,把班级建设成为绿色园林,把学生培养成为绿色精灵”。学校的科研成果已结集为《打开心灵的窗户》、《绿色教育初论》等多部专著。《人民日报》、《中国教育报》等多家主流媒体对此给予了关注和报道,产生了积极的社会反响。2005年9月,学校被中央教科昕确定为“绿色教育的模式与实践”实验学校,揭开了学校发展新的一页。在“绿色教育”理念的指导下,学校全面、扎实地实施质量立校、文化立校、科研立校和现代化建设设四项工程,教育教学工作取得了突破性进展,基本实现了学生满意、家长满意、社会满意的办学目标。“质量立校”工程课堂教学在提高、突破、创新等层面有较大进步,通过分层次教学,让学生在体验成功、收获快乐的过程中,不断提高学业成绩。多年来,学校已成为当地青年学生向往的求学圣地。“文化立校”工程。学校将文化建设寓于教育教学工作之中。通过学科渗透、实施关爱工程、开展“爱心基金”捐助活动以及组织学生参与社区活动,对学生进行爱国主义教育、民族精神教育、理想教育、集体主义教育,取得了较好的效果。师生编排的舞蹈节日《山野小曲》分 Jiyuan City, Henan Province High School is a fast-growing school. Under the leadership of Henan Provincial “May 1st Labor Medalist”, Henan Province super-teacher, and Chen Lihong, the model worker of Jiyuan City in Henan Province, the school draws on advanced educational theories, summarizes the experience of running schools for decades and puts forward “ Green education ”school philosophy, determined “ the campus into a green manor, the teacher training to become a green gardener, the class building into a green garden, the students cultivate a green wizard. ” The school’s research achievements have been assembled as “open the windows of mind”, “Green Education” and many other monographs. Many mainstream media, such as “People’s Daily” and “China Education Newspaper,” have given this concern and coverage and have had a positive social response. In September 2005, the school was confirmed as a “green education model and practice” experimental school by the Central Education and Science Commission, which opened a new chapter in school development. Under the guidance of the concept of “Green Education ”, the school has implemented a total of four projects of establishing quality schools, establishing schools by science, setting up schools by science research, establishing schools and modernization and made breakthroughs in education and teaching and basically achieved the goal of students Satisfied, parents satisfied, social satisfaction with the school goals. “Quality Legislation ” project classroom teaching has made great progress in the aspects of improvement, breakthrough and innovation. Through the teaching in different levels, students can continuously improve their academic performance in the process of successful experience and happy harvest. Over the years, the school has become a destination for young students aspired to study. “Culture stand school ” project. Schools will be cultural construction in education and teaching work. Through the disciplinary infiltration, the implementation of care projects, carry out “love fund ” donation activities and organize students to participate in community activities, students of patriotic education, national spirit education, ideal education, collectivism education, and achieved good results. Teachers and students of the dance festival “Mountain Xiaoqu” points
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