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今年三月中美两国在经历了异常艰难、复杂的谈判之后,一项关于保护知识产权的协议的签署,使世界上最大的发达国家和最大的发展中国家之间的全面贸易战最终得以幸免.关心中美关系的人们在略微松一口气的同时,不禁要问这些年来中美经贸关系的发展,为什么总是一波三折,绕过了险滩又遇恶浪呢?实际上这是与美国一再粗暴干涉中国内政,蓄意制造贸易障碍分不开的.九十年代以来,美国利用“六四风波”鼓噪对华制裁.借“人权”、“民主”问题压人、公然发展与台湾的官方和军事关系、在中国“复关”问题上漫天索价以及所谓的“保护知识产权”问题等一系列事件的出现,都是有着深刻的社会政治背景的.美国不断制造事端,恶化中美经贸关系的主要用意在于:一、不愿看到中国经济健康、稳定、快速地发展从本世纪七十年代末以来,改革、开放的春风吹遍了古老的神州大地.中华儿女励精图治,迎来了国 After the unusually difficult and complex negotiations between China and the United States in March this year, the signing of an agreement on the protection of intellectual property rights has enabled the world’s largest developed country and the largest developing country to achieve a comprehensive trade war. Fortunately, people who are concerned about Sino-U.S. relations can not help asking questions about the development of Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations over the past few years. Why are they always twists and turns, bypassing the rapids and encountering embarrassing waves? In fact, this has repeatedly been violent with the United States. To interfere in China’s internal affairs, the deliberate obstacles to manufacturing trade are inseparable. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the United States has used the June 4th turmoil to denounce sanctions against China. It has pressed “human rights” and “democratic” issues to pressure people, openly develop the Taiwanese government and the military. The emergence of a series of events such as relations, the issue of “recovery” in China’s “revalence” issues, and the so-called “protection of intellectual property rights” issues all have a profound socio-political background. The United States continues to create problems and worsens the Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations. The main intentions are: First, do not want to see the Chinese economy develop healthily, steadily and rapidly. Since the end of the 1970s, the spring breeze of reform and opening up has been Throughout the ancient land of China, the Chinese people have made great efforts to govern and usher in the country.
“方便”使顾客满意 俄勒冈州“得力专业店”经理迈克先生介绍说:“我们商店建立了一系列服务措施,从而打开了本地区的销路,我们虽然是一家小商店,但是我们的技工们也开展售
The same crossing,the same tracks,the same deadly scenario…还是那个路口,还是那段铁轨,还是相同的致命事故,却是不同的结局……星期四的晚上,月色如水,蟋蟀争鸣,正是伊
粼一恻 一一 ,飞脚 几__’ 丹及军 牛轰井尹~ 丫冬‘之冬i 卜于 ;川一_ 一叮一比 归二﹁甲 创一几 六尽 六二 不熟 、介l_ L_共一里 泌户沁 一几一 犷「几子 飞 翻件 飞 称林