
来源 :广州市政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsx19781029
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各区、县人民政府,市府直属各单位:现将广州经济技术开发区管委会办公室《关于加强护照管理的通知》转发给你们,请参照执行。加强护照管理工作,关系到执行外事纪律的问题,是一项十分重要的工作,省、市人民政府和外事部门已三令五申强调加强护照的保管,特别是持多次往返港、澳证件的外派人员,要在出访返回广州的三天内,将护照交本单位人事组织部门(或保卫部门)保管,再次出访时,需经本单位主管负责人同意后,才能领出护照成行。请各单位、各部门主管负责入对护照的保管工作进行一次检查,堵塞护照管理工作上的漏洞。凡各单位上报一式四份出访呈批表时,除主管部门加盖公章外,还须“一支笔”主批人签名,否则退回不予办理,此事从接文之日起执行。 All districts and counties People’s Government and municipal government directly under the units: Now the Office of Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Office “on strengthening the passport management,” forwarded to you, please refer to the implementation. Strengthening the management of passports is a very important task related to the implementation of foreign affairs discipline. The provincial and municipal governments and foreign affairs departments have made repeated attempts to emphasize the strengthening of the protection of passports, in particular, the assignment of multiple passports to Hong Kong and Macao Personnel must return their passports to the HR department of the unit (or the security department) within three days after they return to Guangzhou for a visit. After they return for another visit, they must obtain the consent of the person in charge of the unit before they can obtain the passport. All units and department heads are requested to conduct an inspection on the storage of passports to plug the loopholes in their passport management work. When all the units submit a copy of the four-way written-in visit form, they shall sign the main batch of people with the exception of the official seal of the department in charge, otherwise they will be refused a refund and the matter will be executed from the date of receipt. .
1·三轴稳定平台组件-模块化任务载荷转塔2·压力加油/排油和主旋翼维护踏板3·直升机甲板系留环(4个) 4·油气减震器(4个) 5·轻型钩刺系留探杆6·起落架阻力撑杆7·起落架
上海市第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议听取了上海市人民检察院检察长石祝三《关于开展查处偷税抗税案件专项斗争的报告》, 经过审议,会议同意这个报告。会议认为,
湖北省人民政府令第58号《湖北省实施细则》已经1994年6月21日省人民政府常务会议审议通过,现发布施行。省长贾志杰一九九四年七月六日 Hubei Provincial People’s Govern