
来源 :中国现代医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muyue3122
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目的 :讨论异体移植甲状旁腺近期的存活情况。方法 :对 14例甲状旁腺移植患者比较近期 (3d~ 1周 )、远期 (6个月 )SPECT显像结果、化验室检查结果及临床症状。结果 :移植早期 :SPECT显像阳性率为 71.4 % ,高于化验室检查的阳性率 (5 0 % ) ,临床症状的阳性率 (42 .9% ) ;移植远期 :SPECT显像阳性率与化验室检查阳性率均为 6 4 .3% ,略高于临床症状阳性率 (5 7.1% )。结论 :SPECT显像在评价异体甲状旁腺移植的效果时 ,具有早期、远期的优势 ,但化验室检查在远期效果评价中也具有较高的阳性率。 Objective: To discuss the recent survival of allograft parathyroid glands. Methods: The results of SPECT imaging, laboratory test and clinical symptoms of 14 patients with parathyroid gland transplantation were compared in the near future (3d ~ 1 week), long term (6 months). Results: In the early stage of transplantation, the positive rate of SPECT imaging was 71.4%, which was higher than the positive rate of laboratory examination (50%) and the positive rate of clinical symptoms (42.9%). The positive rate of laboratory tests were 64.3%, slightly higher than the positive rate of clinical symptoms (7.11%). Conclusion: SPECT imaging has the advantages of early and long-term in assessing the effect of allogeneic parathyroid transplantation, but laboratory tests also have a high positive rate in the evaluation of long-term effects.
感恩教育是实施班级工作目标的有效途径,为培养学生良好的个性和健全的人格起到了重要的作用。开展感恩教育,让学生具有良好的情商,能有效增强班级凝聚力。 Thanksgiving ed
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