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中央人民政府政務院公佈了‘關於一九五二年農業稅收工作的指示’,明確规定今年農業稅收工作的方針是:‘貫徹查田定產,依率計徵,依法減免,逐步實现統一巢進,並取治一切附加。’根據這個方針,今后各地農業稅收工作是否完成任務,共唯一正確的標準,應當看他們是否完成查田定產、依率計徵、依法減免的任務。今后各級人民政府檢查農業稅收工作,也應該以是否認真執行了查田定產、依率計徵、依法减免的方針為標準。除此以外,不能再有其他標準。對於政務院的這一指示的貫徹執行,不僅可以使農民的負担更加公平合理,使國家的稅收更有保證,而巳將會進一步提高農民生產的積極性,鞏固工農聯盟。從一九五二年夏徵開始,全國各地的農業稅附加即將一律取消。今後農業稅收,只由中央統一徵收一種農業稅。這是農業稅收制度的一个 The Central People’s Government’s State Council announced the ’Directive on the Work of Agricultural Taxation in 1952’, clearly stipulating that this year’s agricultural taxation guideline should be: ’Carrying out production of land by check-ups, , And take all the additional treatment. According to this guideline, whether agricultural taxation work in various parts of the country will fulfill its task in the future will be the only correct standard. We should see whether they have completed the task of determining the amount of natural products to be taxed and tax-deductible in accordance with the law. People’s governments at various levels in the future to examine the work of agricultural tax should also be based on whether or not the conscientious implementation of Zhatian Dingchan, according to the rate of levy, according to the principle of relief as the standard. In addition, there are no other criteria. The implementation of this directive by the government council can not only make the burden on peasants more fair and reasonable, but also guarantee the tax revenue of the country even more. It will also increase the enthusiasm of peasants and consolidate the alliance between workers and peasants. Since the summer levy in 1952, all agricultural tax appendages across the country will be canceled soon. In the future agricultural taxation, only a kind of agricultural tax will be levied by the Central Government. This is one of the agricultural tax system
摘要:生本教育,就是让我们把学习的主动权交还给学生,让学生真正动起来,成为学习的主人。生本理念中的“先学后教”是将学生的“先学”提到了重要的位置。因此在生本教育下,教师会将下一节课要学习的内容以浅显纲要、要点的形式布置,这类作业为新课做预备、做铺垫、做指引。本文从不同课型前置性作业的设计出发,探讨了前置性作业设计的实施策略。  关键词:小学英语;前置性作业;设计方法及策略  中图分类号:G623.