中共甘肃省委 甘肃省人民政府关于加快工业发展的意见

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针对我省在一般性竞争领域国有经济比重大、非国有非公有制经济比重小,传统产业比重高、新型产业比重低的状况,省第十次党代会确立了“工业强省”的指导思想。八月份,中共甘肃省委、甘肃省人民政府下发的《关于加快工业发展的意见》,从“工业强省”的具体实施工作、“十五”工业发展目标、结构调整“三大工程”、推进改革创新的主要措施等方面提出了政策性的指导意见。明确要求“工业强省”急需抓住我国加入 WTO 和实施西部大开发战略的机遇,进一步解决制约经济发展的结构性矛盾和体制性障碍,以创新的精神加快国有经济“进而有为、退而有序”的战略性调整,发挥比较优势,增强竞争力,加快非公有制等多种经济成份工业发展,在“十五”时期使甘肃工业从规模和质量、速度和效益上取得突破性进展。 In view of the fact that the province has a relatively large proportion of the state-owned economy in the general competition field, a small proportion of the non-state-owned non-public economy, a high proportion of traditional industries, and a low proportion of new industries, the 10th Provincial Party Congress has established an “strong industrial province.” guiding ideology. In August, the “Opinions on Accelerating Industrial Development” issued by the Gansu Provincial Party Committee of Gansu Province and the People’s Government of Gansu Province, the concrete implementation of the “strong industrial provinces”, the “15th” industrial development goals, and structural adjustments. The “Three Major Projects” and the main measures to promote reform and innovation put forward policy guidance. It is clearly required that the “strong industrial provinces” urgently need to seize the opportunity of China’s accession to the WTO and the implementation of the strategy for the development of the western region, further resolve the structural contradictions and institutional obstacles that hinder economic development, and accelerate the state-owned economy with the spirit of innovation." , retreat to orderly and strategically adjust, exert comparative advantage, enhance competitiveness, speed up industrial development of various economic components such as non-public ownership, and make Gansu industry scale and quality, speed, and efficiency during the “10th Five-Year Plan” period Made breakthrough progress.