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1978年12月22日通过的党的十一届三中全会公报指出“采取一系列新的重大的经济措施,对经济管理体制和经营管理方法着手认真的改革.”从十一届三中全会到现在,这20年时间里,全党和全国人民一直在做的最大的事情,就是改革开放和社会主义现代化建设.经济体制改革的中心环节是国有企业改革,鞍钢这个特大型国有企业在众多的国有企业中,具有典型性和代表性.鞍钢实行改革是一项艰巨的系统工程,这个工程实在是太重、太大、太难.说它重,是因为它关系到一个在国内外有重大影响的长期实行计划经济的老企业能否在市场经济中立足和发展,公有制经济能否与市场经济有效结合;说它大,是因为这个企业有50万职工,是个内含矿山、烧结、炼铁、炼钢、轧钢、化工、机械各种生产单位,又包括往房、医疗、学校各种社会公益和生活福利单位,它本身就是一个小社会;说它难,是因为它内部有不同所有制,各种类型的企业混杂在一起,产权不清,权责不明,而且技术老化,设备陈旧,产品单一,劳动生产率极低,不仅同国外先进企业无法比,同国内兄弟企业比也有较大差距.国企改革,特别是鞍钢这样特大型企业,改革又不仅是本身问题,还要涉及到价格改革、社会保障体制改革、金融体制改革、所有制改革,甚至社会稳定等一 The communique of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party passed on December 22, 1978, stated that “a series of new and major economic measures have been adopted, and serious reforms are being carried out on the economic management system and management methods.” from the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. The major thing that the entire party and the people of the country have been doing for 20 years now is reform and opening up and socialist modernization. The central link in the economic system reform is the reform of state-owned enterprises. Anshan Iron and Steel Company is an extremely large state-owned enterprise. Among the state-owned enterprises, typical and representative. Anshan Iron and Steel is a difficult system engineering reform. This project is too heavy, too big, too difficult. It is heavy because it relates to a domestic and foreign Whether the old enterprises with long-term impact of the planned economy can gain a foothold and development in the market economy, and whether the publicly-owned economy can be effectively combined with the market economy; it is said to be large because the company has 500,000 employees and is a mine, sintering, Iron and steel making, steel making, steel rolling, chemical and mechanical production units, as well as various social welfare and living welfare units such as housing, medical care, and schools, are themselves small clubs. It is difficult because it has different internal ownership, various types of enterprises are mixed together, the property rights are unclear, the rights and responsibilities are not clear, and the technology is aging, the equipment is obsolete, the products are single, the labor productivity is extremely low, not only with foreign advanced enterprises. There is a big gap between domestic companies and their counterparts in the country. The reform of state-owned enterprises, especially those of Anshan Iron and Steel, is not only an issue, but also involves price reforms, social security system reforms, financial system reforms, and ownership reforms. Even social stability
我国作为世界上最大的冰箱市场,影响冰箱设计生产的因素很多,而且差异很大。结合欧美市场冰箱发展潮流和我国具体国情,初步判断未来我国冰箱主要将有以下6个特点: 一、营养
近几年来,世界许多国家和地区研制开发可以被人体消化吸收的可食性包装材料,对控制白色污染具有广阔前景。 美国农业部农业研究局南部地区研究中心,利用大豆提炼的蛋白质,制