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有资料显示,中国鞋在欧美占据着60%的市场。在中国鞋以量的优势充斥在国外大卖场、超市等低端市场的同时,巨大的人口基数使中国正成为国外鞋业紧盯的大市场,目前,国内鞋类的高端市场基本被进口品牌占据。有资料显示,进口的鞋类产品已经从1985年~1998年的13种、几万双一跃而至如今的众多品种、几千万双。对于国产鞋类品牌而言,面对洋品牌的大举入侵和本土品牌的互相残杀,内销市场呈现的是一片胶着状态。为了探询国产鞋类品牌在本土市场的生存状况,本刊采编人员对国内大城市进行了调查。通过对北京市场的调查发现,在市场竞争日益激烈的今天,品牌的作用越来越强,鞋产品的购买率一定程度上取决于消费者对品牌的认知。鞋类企业参与市场竞争的形式,正逐步从价格竞争转向非价格竞争,而其中品牌竞争越来越成为最重要、最有效的手段之一。从消费角度而言,消费者对流行的判断更趋向于理性化,不再象以往那样对潮流趋势盲从和追捧,更多人开始注重能够体现自我魅力和风格的鞋款。所以在北京这样的大型城市里,人们的消费观念正逐步改变,再象以往那样,靠打价格战赢得市场的做法根本行不通了。这从众多的国产品牌鞋高档商场进不去,中档商场、郊区市场以及专卖店的销售一年比一年难做的现象可见一斑。 Data show that Chinese shoes in Europe and the United States occupy 60% of the market. In China, the advantage of the amount of shoes filled in foreign supermarkets, supermarkets and other low-end market at the same time, a huge population base so that China is becoming a big focus of foreign footwear market, at present, the domestic high-end footwear market is basically imported brands occupy. Data shows that imported footwear products have been from 1985 to 1998, 13 species, tens of thousands of pairs jumped to today’s many species, tens of millions of pairs. For domestic footwear brands, in the face of large-scale invasion of foreign brands and local brands kill each other, the domestic market is showing a stalemate status. In order to explore the survival status of domestic footwear brands in the local market, our editors surveyed the domestic big cities. Through the investigation of the Beijing market, it is found that in the increasingly fierce market competition today, the role of the brand is getting stronger and stronger. The purchase rate of shoes depends to some extent on consumers’ cognition of the brand. Footwear enterprises to participate in the form of market competition, is gradually shifting from price competition to non-price competition, and brand competition which is increasingly becoming one of the most important and most effective means. From a consumer perspective, consumers tend to rationalize popular judgments, not blindly follow the trend of the trend as in the past and sought after, more people began to focus on shoes that reflect their own charm and style. So, in a big city like Beijing, people’s consumption attitudes are gradually changing. And as before, winning a market by price war will not work at all. This is a large number of high-end domestic brands shoes can not get into the mall, mid-range shopping malls, suburban markets and specialty stores sales difficult year to year phenomenon can be seen.
本届英译汉原文选自美国“后现代派”作家斯坦利·埃尔金(Stanley Elkin,1930-1995)的中篇小说 The Making of Ashenden(《艾兴登其人》)。埃尔金擅长以荒诞的情节、跳跃的
摘要:2010年以来CPI的持续走高,国内面临着巨大的通货膨胀压力。本文从企业微观角度,对全球零售业巨头沃尔玛的规模化连锁经营、现代物流配送、管理信息系统和顾客至上的“天天低价”让利策略入手,对其成功经验做出系统归纳分析,同时联系中国的实际,针对如何从根本上抑制国内物价持续上涨趋势,实现消费者与经营者双赢,提出几点意见和建议。  关键词:物价上涨;沃尔玛;连锁经营;成本控制  中图分类号:F726