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这里刊发的是社会主义史上著名马克思主义思想家、革命家罗莎.卢森堡的文章,是她生前未曾发表过的一篇在私人信件中称为《信条》的手稿,写于1911年9月或10月初。此信是写给里奥.约吉希斯的,原件是波兰文。波兰学者费利克斯.梯希于1991年在莫斯科收藏的波兰社会民主党档案中发现了此信并首次译成德文,发表在柏林历史委员会编辑出版的《德国工人运动史国际研究通讯》上,随后由阿.帕斯摩尔和凯文.安德森从德文译成英文,收入彼得.胡迪斯和凯文.安德森主编的《罗莎.卢森堡读本》。卢森堡曾激烈批评过布尔什维克的集中制组织原则。在这方面,她1904年写的《俄国社会民主党的组织问题》和1918年的《论俄国革命》两篇文章,在社会主义史上有很大影响。《信条:关于俄国社会民主党的状况》一文被认为是卢森堡对布尔什维克所作批评的第三篇重要文章。本文由中共中央编译局已故研究员李宗禹先生(1925-2010)依据彼得.胡迪斯和凯文.安德森编《罗莎.卢森堡读本》纽约2004年英文版并参考德译本译出,首次用中文发表。李宗禹先生是我国国际共运史研究领域的代表人物之一,作为《卢森堡文选》的主要译者和编者,他对卢森堡的思想和活动有深入研究。翻译这篇文章时他已八十高龄。据我们所知,这是李宗禹先生一生学术著述中的最后作品。这一译作的发表也是对李先生的纪念。译文的最后定稿经北京大学张光明教授整理过。 Published here is an article by the famous Marxist thinkers and revolutionaries in the socialist history, Rosa Luxemburg, a manuscript she had never published in her private letter entitled “Creed,” written in September 1911 or 10 Early in the month The letter was written to Rio Jörsis, the original is Polish. The Polish scholar Felix Thieh found the letter in Polish Social-Democracy files collected in Moscow in 1991 and translated it into German for the first time. It was published in the “International Journal of the German Workers’ Movement Research Newsletter published by the Berlin Historical Commission, Subsequently translated by P. Passmoor and Kevin Anderson from German to English, in the ”Rosa Luxemburg Reader,“ edited by Peter Hudes and Kevin Anderson. Luxembourg has fiercely criticized the principle of centralized organization of the Bolsheviks. In this respect, the two articles ”Organization of the Russian Social Democratic Party“ written in 1904 and ”On the Russian Revolution“ in 1918 have a great influence on the history of socialism. The article ”The Creed: The State of the Russian Social-Democracy“ is considered to be the third major article in Luxembourg’s criticism of the Bolsheviks. This article was translated by Li Shunyu, the late researcher of the Compilation and Translation Bureau of the CPC Central Committee (1925-2010) on the basis of the editorials of ”Rosa Luxemburg“ in Peter Hudders and Kevin Anderson in New York in 2004 in English with reference to the German translation. For the first time, Posted. Mr. Li Zongyu is one of the representative figures in the study of the history of international communist movement in our country. As the main translator and editor of ”The Selected Works of Luxembourg," he has conducted in-depth studies on the thoughts and activities of Luxembourg. He has been 80 years old when translating this article. To the best of our knowledge, this is the last work of Mr. Li Zongyu’s academic writings throughout his life. The publication of this translation is also a commemoration of Mr. Li. The final version of the translation has been edited by Professor Zhang Guangming from Peking University.
采用静水试验方法,研究了硫酸铜、敌百虫、高锰酸钾、漂白粉对大鳞钯的急性毒性效应.结果得出4种药物对大鳞鲃96h的LC50值分别为0.65,0.76,4.00,1.12 mg/L,安全浓度分别为0.1
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