Small Words, Big World

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  【Abstract】: The significance of Chinese characters’ spread under the Belt and Road Initiative has been studied. Chinese characters represents our country's classical culture and is bound to become the main carrier of communication between China and foreign countries. The spread problem of Chinese characters in the development of the Belt and Road strategy has been thought deeply and a specific tactics of transmitting Chinese characters has been put forward.
  Cultural exchanges can lead to further development in other aspects. To promote the development of cultural industries through economic cooperation, actively promote the strategy of going out of Chinese characters, and strengthen international cooperation and exchanges, thus taking an important step towards the internationalization of Chinese culture. Therefore, make full use of the development trend of the Belt and Road Initiative, seize the favorable opportunity and actively promote the culture of Chinese characters so as to promote the development of regional economy and culture. Through the spread of Chinese characters, not only can people from more countries feel the profound historical culture of the Chinese nation, but also can make use of the medium of Chinese characters to lay a solid foundation for economic, cultural and other exchanges.
  Make use of the platform of Confucius Institute to make early publicity
  To some extent, the international promotion of Chinese characters is an important part of the construction and development of international soft power. As China's international status continues to rise, more and more people are concerned about Chinese characters and are actively involved in learning Chinese characters. Therefore, our country should seize this opportunity to follow the trend and adopt a diversified means of communication and methods to achieve effective communication of Chinese characters. As a business card of our country, Confucius Institute is an important bridge of language, culture and communication. At present, there are hundreds of Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms around the world. Based on this, we can adopt a more entertaining and participatory promotion approach and step up publicity of the Chinese culture. In the Belt and Road Initiative countries' colleges and classrooms , carry on the specialized Chinese character transmission, integrate the scattered activity gradually through combining the characteristic of each area, bring the communication of Chinese characters into the main content of the teaching of Confucius College to form a new normal. For example, hold the “Chinese Bridge” in the major international Chinese competition to achieve the goal of spreading Chinese culture.   With the support of the NOCFL, we will bring together the existing Chinese international communication bases in our country and actively carry out all kinds of training activities, cultural exchange activities, etc. At the same time, we should step up training of Chinese character communication teachers and lay a solid foundation for teachers to provide more guidance to those who like Chinese characters so as to master the essence of Chinese characters. At present,there are many sinologists and native Chinese teachers who like and understand Chinese characters in many countries along the Belt and Road Initiative. On the one hand, our country should make full use of foreign language teaching platform. On the other hand, we should continue to play a leading role in vigorously publicizing and appropriately expanding the training scale and exam size of Chinese characters. We will gradually integrate the transmission of Chinese characters at home and abroad to form Chinese characters dissemination of new forces. For pre-publicity activities, we should uphold the principle of innovation and, as far as possible, arouse the enthusiasm of people in other countries to learn Chinese. For example, increase the number of scholarships and expand the scale of overseas students, and we can also take pictures of Chinese characters in the early stage, and draw lessons from the business mode of Hollywood movies to connect the past and the present of Chinese characters.
  Chinese characters have undergone a long process of historical development and formed a sound development system, and lay a solid foundation for the spread of Chinese characters in the context of the Belt and Road initiative.In the teaching of Chinese characters, we may as well combine the Chinese characters with the Chinese culture closely, permeate the spirit of realism embodied in the structure of the Chinese characters and the spirit of the human body to the entire process of communication, and first disseminate the cultural patterns and social history of the Han nationality, In this way, we can explore the life of people living with Chinese characters. Based on the experience of life, people in other countries can enhance their understanding of Chinese culture and then participate in the learning process of Chinese characters. Based on this, foreigners can fully experience the charm of Chinese characters and actively participate in the Chinese characters Learning.
【摘要】:党的十八届三中全会强调要完善中华优秀传统文化教育,传承与弘扬中华优秀文化,为新形势下加强中华优秀传统文化教育指明了方向。在网络时代如何贯彻党中央号召,推进优秀传统文化进校园值得重点关注。本文调查了当前大学生对于中国传统文化的认识情况,并简要分析了问题原因,提出通过“互联网+”人文素质教育课程、网络新媒体载体和传统文化特色活动等举措来加强新形势下大学生中国传统文化教育。  【关键词】:网络
【摘要】:在现代化教学体制改革和深入发展背景下,关于大学体育教学和管理方面也提出了全新的要求,体育教学和管理方式方法、管理模式都发生了一定程度的变化。特别是随着信息化技术在大学体育教学和管理中的应用,更是为大学体育教学和管理改革和创新提供了方向,实现大学体育教学和管理的可持续发展,乃至推动整个体育事业现代化的进程。  【关键词】:体育信息化;大学体育;管理模式;创新  引言  信息化社会的发展,极
【摘要】:在高中英语教学过程中,通常采用传统的教学方式,对于学生的创造性思维能力训练不足,学生吸收到的知识内容也较为有限。将多媒体技术运用到高中学校英语教学中,是一种时代发展的趋势,对于丰富课堂教学内容、提升学生的学习热情等都具有十分重要的意义和作用。  【关键词】:多媒体;高中英语;优势;应用  21世纪是一个信息技术时代,随着科学技术的发展与进步,多媒体教学技术在高中教学中广泛普及,成为一种新
【摘要】:20世纪50至70年代,金庸以“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”系列小说开创了中国新派武侠小说新篇章,确立了他在中國武侠小说史上的地位,更进一步蜚声海外,影响及于整个东南亚,形成了长盛不衰的武侠盛况。70年代,东南亚多个国家先后出版了金庸小说的越南文、泰文、印尼文、柬埔寨文、马来文版本。然而,同属汉字文化圈的东邻日本,相较于东南亚各国,金庸小说在日本的翻译与传播则起步较晚。  【关键词】
【摘要】:近几年,随着教育制度的不断发展,越来越多的学生进入大学。为了能使学生有第二次转专业的机会,许多高校制定了第二次转专业的制度,并且目前转专业也成了热点话题。本文分析了大学生转专业的原因,并且对此做出了适当的对策与建议。  【关键词】:大学生转专业;高校;制度  1 大学生转专业背景及现状  2005年9月1日,教育部正式实施《普通高等学校学生管理规定》,该文件正式提出学生可以按学校的规定申
【摘要】:同治年间,陕西地区爆发了以回民为主体的农民起义。这次回民起义对当地的政治、经济、文化、人口等诸多方面都产生了巨大的影响。此次事件在原因上来讲,是一次多因素综合影响的结果。在诸多原因中,社会组织与民族关系对事件的爆发与日后的走向都产生了不可磨灭的影响。  【关键词】:羊头会;乡约;回汉冲突  一、陕西地区汉族组织  咸同年间陕西地区汉族群众的主要组织是“羊头会”,这也是与回族直接相关的汉族
【摘要】:到2020年,我国将要实现现行标准下农村贫困人口全部脱贫,2018年贫困县全部脱帽,现在精准扶贫已经到了关键性环节,虽然之前已经取得的阶段性的胜利,但是精准扶贫依然是目前需要亟待解决的重要问题,当下,仍要以共享发展为重要引领,盘活农村地权,壮大集体经济,将精准脱贫的制度基础打牢固,形成强有力的精准脱贫合力,推动制度式的精准脱贫改革。  【关键词】:共享发展;精准扶贫;集体经济;合作经济 