
来源 :有色金属(冶炼部分) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangshaoj2005
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本文在大量调查国内外铜工业生产技术资料和国内主要铜矿山、冶炼和加工厂的基础上,从地质、采矿、选矿、冶炼和加工几个主要方面就铜工业生产技术和技术经济指标作了详细研究,并和我国目前铜工业现状作了相应对比,找出了差距,提出了我国铜工业生产技术达到世界80年代初水平的途径及需要采取的措施和建议。文中论证了我国现有铜资源不足是当务之急,根据我国地质条件提出了一些前景有望的开发地点,供领导和有关部门决策时参考。 Based on a large amount of domestic and international copper industry production technical data and the main domestic copper mines, smelting and processing plants, this article from the geological, mining, mineral processing, smelting and processing of several major aspects of copper industry production technology and technical and economic indicators A detailed study, and the current status of China’s copper industry made a corresponding comparison to identify the gap between the copper production technology put forward to reach the world level in the early 1980s and the need to take measures and recommendations. This paper demonstrates that the shortage of existing copper resources in our country is a top priority. According to China’s geological conditions, some promising development sites are proposed for reference by leaders and relevant departments when making decisions.
粮贩子“难堪重任”"这是一个复杂的群体,从业人员成分比较复杂,经营方式和方法各有千秋,而且其中不少人是兼职做这行的。对目前我国粮食流通市场而言, This is a complex g
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粮食系统和其他系统一样,要发展必须改革。进行改革的出发点和落脚点,就是一个──发展。胡锦涛总书记最近指出:“今年是中国改革开放30周年, Food systems, like other sys
本文叙述印度铜工业采矿、选矿、冶炼、加工概况,工业结构及生产工艺,今后发展前景。 This article describes the Indian copper industry mining, mineral processing, sm