
来源 :江苏农村经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bzah123
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在村头设立举报箱,农民朋友可以一不花邮资,二不需车费,三不耗时间,便可把自己要反映的问题“送”到有关部门。因此,小小举报箱对监督基层乡镇党委、政府广泛推进党风廉政建设,有着举足轻重的作用。据了解,不少农村举报箱只是有关部门为了应付土级检查用的一种摆设,农民宁可花上八角钱买张邮票,或乘趟车到上面直接反映问题,也不“买这个便宜”。为啥?原来这些地方村头设立的举报箱,根本就没人管,信投进去,真如石沉大海。不少村民反映,打举报箱设立至今,就没有人开过箱,两三年了,箱上的 In the village set up a report box, farmers and friends can not spend a postage, two do not need fare, three do not waste time, you can reflect the problem you want to “send” to the relevant departments. Therefore, the small reporting box plays a decisive role in supervising the grass-roots township party committees and governments in promoting the party’s work style and building a clean government. It is understood that many rural reporting box is only relevant departments in order to meet the soil level inspection with a display, farmers would rather spend the octagon to buy a stamp, or take the train to directly reflect the problem above, nor “buy this cheap ”. Why? Originally these villages set up the reporting box, there is no one tube, the letter into it, really ashes. Many villagers reported that they had not opened a box when they opened a newspaper box so far. In two or three years, the box on the box
The testing on the bearing strength of single-shear bolt jointed composite laminates structure is done.And the effect of the fixture on the testing results is a
我院从1990年11月至1991年12月用~(99m)Tc对9例消化道活动性出血的病人,通过单光子发射型计算机断层扫描(Single Photon Emission Compuled Tomograph简称SPECT,下同)准确确
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