The Importance of Parent-child Relation

来源 :考试与评价·八年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boge66
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  The study points out parents can take some key steps to raise children well. So, the parent-child relation is very important.
  Parents bring warmth to children’s lives. They usually shower kids with talk and touch. As a child grows older, he finds warmth in the parent-child relation in other ways. Warmth can lead children to do very well in all the fields.
  In fact, parents are the children’s examples. They can teach children not to depend on parents or others. They are also very strict with children. That’s to say, children must do as parents tell. Setting limits can help children focus on the work. For example, limiting television time can help them finish homework on time.
  From early childhood, the home becomes a school. And the dinner table might become the desk after dinner. Parents can educate their children much if the parent-child relation is strong. For example, reading books to them will improve their language skill, playing games with them will improve their action skill and finishing puzzles with them will improve their cognitive skill.
  Mom and dad play different roles in the child. Moms are their life teachers. They teach children not to be afraid of new environments. They also spend time on simple and funny activities with children. Dads are their growing teachers. Experts think fathers play an important role in children’s feelings and development. Father-child relation always helps children learn to express and control their feelings.
  Word bank: parent-child n. 親子  field n. 领域  focus on 集中于  limit n. 限定  puzzle n. 智力游戏  cognitive adj. 认知的
  1. What can warmth lead to the children?
   A. Become too fat.  B. Love parents.           C. Be good at sports.     D. Have lots of books.
  2. Why must children do as parents ask?
   A. Because parents are strict.                      B. Because parents are right.
   C. Because parents love them.               D. Because they depend on parents.
  3. What does playing games with children improve?
   A. Children’s language skill.                    B. Children’s communication skill.
   C. Children’s cognitive skill.                    D. Children’s action skill.
  4. What can a Mom do with the children in the passage?
   A. Teach children to express their feelings.     B. Teach children to control their feelings.
   C. Make a difference to their development.    D. Join in the easy and funny activities.
如今我们前行于互联网的高速时代,任何一点新闻都会传播的非常快。不管大事小情,足不出户便可知天下,就现代社会来说一点也不夸张!   而此时应运而生的网络用语便成为了许多同学的口头禅,相信下面列举的你一定都知道,但是你知道如何用英语优雅地翻译吗?话不多说,马上来看!  1. 此刻我的内心几乎是崩溃的。  My heart is almost collapsed at the moment.  2.
我们学过的情态动词有很多,它们往往用在请求别人帮助或征求别人意见的句子中。有了这些情态动词,我们的语言才能更加丰富多彩,could 就是其中一例。下面来看看它的用法吧。  一、表示能力  情态动词could作为can的过去式时,不表示委婉语气,而表示过去的能力或可能性,对其一般疑问句的回答仍可用could。  The boy could read when he was five years ol
1. Unit 1重點词语及句子  2. Unit 2重点词语及句子
《考试与评价》(八年级版)以“四位一体”英语教学法为指导思想,同步辅导教材,专业指导各类英语考试。本刊注重“双基”,帮助学生掌握英语基础知识(语音、词汇、语法),提高英语基本技能(读、听、写、说、译)。同时,新学期里我们根据市场反馈和调研结果,对杂志进行调整,使杂志更具实用性,为广大读者朋友们提供形式与内容完美统一的英语学习材料,本刊适合全校、全年级、全班统一使用。  本刊可分为四大模块进行编排:
I. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。  1. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, ____ (女士)?  2. If you explain to him, he will ____ (理解) you.  3. Mike is not afraid of that ____ (强壮的) man.  4. Winning the competition i
一、征询意见  我们在征询他人意见时,常用下列句型:  1. Would you like to do sth.? 你想做某事吗?  回答时可用“Yes, I’d love / like to.”, to不可省略。  —Would you like to go to the movies with me? 你想和我去看电影吗?  —Yes, I’d love / like to. 是的,我想去。 
I. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。  1. The old man fell down and h____ his back.  2. We know the giraffe has a long n____.  3. Mr. Smith is in a difficult ____ (情况).  4. The ____ (问题) is that he doesn’t have enoug
At home, I always help my mom take out the rubbish on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I think it’s interesting and I feel it’s meaningful to help my parents. It always makes me feel very good about helpi
At days end I remember  three good things.  Apples maybe—their skinshine smell  and soft froth of juice.  Water maybe—the pond in the park  dark and full of secret fish.  A mountain maybe—that I saw i