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集合了认读能力、理解能力、鉴赏能力和体现感受能力的“读”,我们称之为整体阅读。这种读是由识字音、懂词义、明句子,进而懂篇章、知文意、明主旨、评得失的低层次基础性阅读和综合性高层次阅读相结合而形成的整体。它的个性是不满足对字、词、句的认读、释义和理解,而是协调了概括、分析、联想、评价等多种能力;这种读虽仍以篇为阅读基础,但不是孤立地在每篇中求“小而全”,而是放在单元、全册的整体背景上进行。因为,阅读教学是语文整体性教学的一个“部件”,因此,它相对又自成系统:每册有读的总要求,这些要求又分别体现在单元和各篇中,形成整体阅读网络的各个点,点点相连,缀成整体。 Combining reading ability, comprehension ability, appreciating ability, and reading ability to express feelings, we call it the whole reading. This kind of reading is formed by the combination of literary sounds, vocabulary meanings and clear sentences, and the combination of knowledge of the text, the meaning of the text, the main purpose of the essay, the low-level basic reading of the evaluation, and the comprehensive high-level reading. Its personality is not satisfied with the reading, interpretation, and understanding of words, words, and sentences, but coordinates the various abilities of summarizing, analyzing, associating, and evaluating; this kind of reading, though still based on reading, is not isolated. In each piece, the ground seeks “small and complete,” but it is placed on the whole background of the unit and the entire book. Because reading teaching is a “component” of the overall teaching of Chinese language, it is relatively self-contained: Each book has its own general requirements for reading. These requirements are reflected in the unit and each chapter, forming the overall reading network. Points, linked together, spliced ​​into a whole.
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“没有人的素质,没有教育、科技,要发展经济、摆脱贫困是不可能的;人的生产生活方式和思想观念不加以改变,经济发展必然受制约。所以只有紧紧抓住智力开发这 “Without the