
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:morgan1912
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最近,国家教委副主任柳斌同志指出,小学生课业负担过重,这种状况的出现与教育思想不端正,教师责任感不强、业务素质低,教材偏难偏深,复习资料泛滥等因素有关。柳斌同志的讲话符合实际情况,很有针对性,十分清楚地点明了小学生课业负担过重的要害。这里,我想集中谈一谈要从课程设置和教材份量下手,解决学生课业负担过重的问题。首先,小学生学习的课程越来越多。根据统计,一般小学设有语文、数学、外语等15门课程,这还不包括某些学校自行设置的信息课、思维训练课等新科目。由于强调正规化、系统化,这几年连体育课、劳动课也编印了教科书。体育课还要进行书面考试。数学学科补充开设了趣味数学课,学生除数 Recently, Comrade Liu Bin, deputy director of the State Education Commission, pointed out that primary school students’ schoolwork is overburdened. This situation is not consistent with the emergence of educational ideas, teachers’ sense of responsibility is not strong, their quality of service is low, teaching materials are more difficult, and review of data is a factor. Comrade Liu Bin’s speech was in line with the actual situation, was very targeted, and clearly laid out the key to the overburdened schoolchildren’s schoolwork. Here, I would like to concentrate on starting with the curriculum and teaching materials to solve the problem of overburdened students. First, primary school students learn more and more courses. According to statistics, the general primary schools have 15 courses in languages, mathematics, and foreign languages. This does not include new subjects such as information classes and thinking training courses set by some schools. Due to the emphasis on formalization and systematization, textbooks have also been printed in physical education and labor courses in recent years. Physical education classes also require written examinations. The mathematics course has opened a fun math class and the student divisor
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“没有人的素质,没有教育、科技,要发展经济、摆脱贫困是不可能的;人的生产生活方式和思想观念不加以改变,经济发展必然受制约。所以只有紧紧抓住智力开发这 “Without the