English Word Formation and its Application

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  Word formation, in its restricted sense, refers to the processes of how words are formed. It can be further divided into two sub-types: the compositional type (compound) and the derivational type (derivation) in some respects, the study of the process whereby new words come into being in a language like English seems relatively straightforward.
  1. Morpheme and Morphology
  1.1 The Basic Concept and Function of Morphology
  In many languages, what appear to be single forms actually turn out to contain a large number of “word-like “elements. Yet, there are clearly some similarities between the languages, in that similar element of the whole message can be found in both. Perhaps a better way of looking at linguistic forms in different languages would be to use this notion of “elements” in the message, rather than to depend on identifying “words”. Therefore, morphology studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.
  1.2 Classification of Morphemes
  (1)Free Morphemes
  Free morphemes can stand alone as single words, e.g. open and tour ; What we have described as free morphemes fall into two categories. The first category is that a set of ordinary nouns, adjectives and adverbs which we think of as the words which carry the ‘content’ of messages we convey.
  (2) Bound Morphemes
  Morphemes as separate words are bound . They are so named because they are bound to other morphemes to form words. Bound morphemes are chiefly found in derived words. They must appear with at least another morpheme,
  2 .Word Formation Rules
  2.1 Word-formation Processes
  Word-formation, in its restricted sense, refers to the process of how words are formed. It can be further divided into two sub-types: the compositional type( compound) and the derivational type(derivation).
  2. 2 Compounds
  The term compound refers to those words that consist of more than one lexical morpheme, or the way two separate words are joined to produce a single form. Compounds can be further divided into two kinds: the endocentric compound and the exocentric compound. Compounds are written in different ways. Some can written as a single word, such as chairman, blackboard. Some can be joined with a hyphen -, such as wedding-ring,
  2.3 Other Common Word-formation Processes
  (1) Blending
  This combing of two separate forms to produce a single new term is also present in the process called blending (Hu 2003:12). However, blending is typically accomplished by taking only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of the other word. For instance: smurk(smoke+murk), brunch(breakfast/lunch), telecast(television/broadcast) and the Chunnel(Channel+tunnel)   (2)Clipping
  The element of reduction which is noticeable in blending is even more apparent in the process described as clipping (Hu 2003:25). This occurs when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form, often in casual speech. Common examples are ad(‘advertisement’), cab(cabriolet), fan(fanatic), sitcom(situation comedy’).
  2.4 The Influence of Phonetics of Word Formation
  In most cases, these prefixes are not interchangeable, so we do not have “unlegal” or “apossible”, for instance. Of course, fluent speakers have no problem in using the right prefix for the right word, as more than often,the negative adjectives are learned word by word. Intuitively, some (two groups) of these prefixes are obviously related. The variations have the same meaning, but they are superficially different only because the initial sounds in the stem words are different. They are said to be phonologically conditioned.
  3 . The Importance and Application of Word Formation Rules
  During English teaching if teachers support the students some information of word formation, and some rules about how words are remembered in an easy way, it will be of great help for students to improve their English. Teachers can first give the students the information about the function of word formation, and tell them the methods, then give them quiz to practise its effect. Then you will find that it is a nice way to help the students remember words.
  In this thesis, examples of word formation are listed. If we know them better, the words in English may be easier for us to learn. All in all, word formation rules are of great importance for English learners. Therefore, students should master the word formation rules proficiently, then they can learn English better.
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摘 要:随着素质教育对应试教育所具有主体地位的逐渐取代,作为一门日常生活中应用范围极为广泛的学科,开始有越来越多的人意识到开展数学教学所具有的重要意义。文章以在初中教学过程中出现频率极高的教学方法——数形结合方法为核心,首先概括了在教学中对该法进行运用的意义,然后运用理论与实际相结合的方式,对“如何提高该法在初中数学教学中的有效性”进行了深入探索,供广大教师参考。  关键词:数形结合方法;初中;数
摘 要:小组合作学习有利于形成探究学习的情景,培养学生自主参与的意识,有助于学生合作精神和团体意识的培养,能有效地提高学生的学习能力,促进学生社会化发展的进程。  关键词:初中数学;分组;问题;策略  合作学习是当代主流教学理念和策略之一,也是新课程倡导的主要学习方式之一。这种理念和策略冲破了传统教学理论的藩篱,对教学过程给予了重新界定,对教师和学生的角色及作用提出了新的要求,尤其是对教师提出了新
摘 要:初中数学教学对学生的总体成绩产生影响的因素比较多,比如教师教学观念的落后以及教学手段不新颖等,导致学生缺乏学习兴趣。因此在本文中,主要对初中数学学困生出现的原因以及对策进行全面分析,在此基础上提出下文内容。  关键词:初中数学;学困生;原因;对策;分析  对于一些初中学生来说,惧怕数学,甚至在小学数学学习是佼佼者,但是进入到初中后第一个跟头便是栽到数学学习上。因此在面对小学学习成绩较为理想
摘 要:相对于传统的教育教学方式,翻转式课堂能够最大限度地活跃课堂气氛,挖掘学生潜力,培养学生兴趣。预习,授课,随堂练习,综合案列演示,项目实践,个性化作业,总结巩固,被称为翻转式课堂的七部曲。初中数学综合实践类拓展课程与翻转课堂的教学理念相契合,在翻转课堂中的运用有利于初中数学教师进一步改变教学观念,立足自己的课堂,让学生能真正感受到数学的价值与魅力。本文简析了综合与实践课的重要性,并指出了初中
摘 要:伴随着新课改浪潮的不断深入,我国传统的教学模式已经难以适应当下学生发展的实际需求,特别是当前互联网时代已经悄然来临,多媒体信息技术被广泛的运用到教学活动中,改善了我国原有的教学模式,现如今几何画板作为一种教学软件逐渐受到初中数学教师的喜爱,教师将其作为一种辅助教学手段改变了传统填鸭式的教学模式,为学生营造一种轻松愉悦的学习氛围,调动学生的学习积极性,充分挖掘学生的潜力,提高课堂效率,促进初
摘 要:我国正在加速进入老龄化社会, “养老难”是近几年两会的热点问题。养老院护工是一个新兴行业,其规范化,职业化是一个需要深入探讨的问题。该调查从职业社会学,传播学角度出发,通过访谈,口述记录等质性研究以及问卷调查等量化分析法,将武汉青山区作为典型样本进行研究。  关键词:养老机构;护工;非职业化  一、问题的提出  当前我国社会老龄化趋势越来越严重,养老问题一直也是两会关注的热点民生问题。截至
摘 要:随着“科教兴国”战略的实施与经济的发展,教学深度在不断的加深,课程的改革也一直在变动之中。在新的形势下,国家教育局提出的“有效教学”成为了现今课堂教学的重中之重,因此,作为一线教师的语文教师班主任,如何理解有效教学和实施有效教学,也是现今语文教师班主任必须要考虑的首要问题。因此,我们当将有效教学分割开来,切实的分析现今教学模式中存在的问题,从教学方法和学生管理两个角度出发,细化教学方法,提
摘 要:初中化学课本中基本概念几乎节节都有,而在化学教学实践中,学生由于基本概念不明确而影响化学学习成绩的提高,甚至影响学生学习化学的兴趣和积极性。  关键词:化学基本概念;掌握; 化学知识  初中化学对学生来说是一门新课、化学术语、基本概念几乎每节都有,在化学教学实践中,学生由于基本概念不明确而影响学习成绩,甚至影响学生学习化学的兴趣。如何讲清化学概念、使学生轻松、牢固掌握化学知识,我通常从以下
摘 要:笔者以地理学科教学为载体,充分调动学生自身的内在学习动因,努力使学生思维能力的培养目标具体化。在初中地理教学中,可以把地理形象思维作为培养学生思维能力的切入点,利用感性材料,强化语言表达培养学生的抽象思维能力,联系生活实际活跃学生的发散性思维,结合地理学科特点培养学生逻辑思维能力,精心设计问题培养学生创造性思维能力。  关键词:初中地理;教学方法;思维能力培养  教学改革的目的就在于最大限
摘 要:化学是一门逻辑性和实践性较强的学科,需要学生深入地思考和实践,而就目前来看,初中化学处于一个尴尬的境地,加上化学本身的知识点较多,需要严谨的逻辑思维等,使得学生对化学的学习兴趣不高,课堂教学有效性较低。激发学生兴趣是化学有效课堂的前提,教师可以通过创设教学情境活跃课堂氛围,让学生参与到教学过程中提高课堂教学有效性。  关键词:初中化学; 课堂教学 ;教学有效性 ;教学研究  一、提高初中化