Special Education in Australia and China

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  摘要:This thesis attempts to explore the policies and development of special education in both Australia and China including the progress achieved so far and the problems encountered. It introduces the history of special education in Australia and China. In addition, the relevant legislation and policy reforms that are relevant to people with disabilities are provided.
  關键词:Special Education; Australia; China
  I.Special Education in Australia
  The origins of special education in Australia could be traced back to 1811 when the first public institution for people with intellectual disability was established in New Norfolk in Tasmania. The institution later became part of the Royal Derwent Hospital. It took another 70 years before the first special school was opened for students with disabilities in 1880.
  There are three educational systems within each jurisdiction that provide educational services to students with disability in Australia. These are public, Catholic, and independent school systems. In 2009, 66% of all students attended public schools. Most jurisdictions use a two-stage system of determining how students with disabilities be funded. At the first stage, it is determined whether a student is eligible to receive funding under the state disability programs. A categorical approach is used in determining the eligibility (e.g., students with intellectual disability, visual impairment). At the second stage, the extent of support required for the student is determined based on the educational needs of the student.
  There are slight variations in each of the federal states with regard to eligibility for funding under state disability programs. In the state of Victoria, seven categories of disability are funded and these are: intellectual disability, hearing impairment, vision impairment, mobility impairment, autism spectrum disorder, language and communication impairment, and social emotional impairment.
  Australia ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2008. The strategy will play an important role in protecting, promoting and realizing the human rights of persons with disabilities. It will help ensure that the principles that underpin the Convention are incorporated into policies and programmes that affect persons with disabilities and their families and caregivers. It will help Australia to assume reporting responsibility under the Convention.
  The Strategy covers six policy areas:   · Inclusive and accessible communities
  · Rights protection, justice and legislation
  · Economic security
  · Personal and community support
  · Learning and skills
  An essential part of this ten year Strategy is the engagement of people with disability in the further development, implementation and monitoring of progress. In particular, the first year of the Strategy will provide opportunities for people with disability, their families and carers, policy makers, service providers, unions, business and community members to work together on the best ways to implement the Strategy and work towards the 2020 vision.
  II.Special Education in China
  Those who understand China's special education use the foundation of the Republic of China in 1949 as the beginning of special education services in the country. At that time, the School of the Blind and Deaf was established. However, it was not until 1980 that teacher training for special educators began, and until the 1990s when teacher training institutions were required to offer special education courses. Despite this late start in special education compared with many western nations, China does have a history with regard to the acknowledgement of people with disabilities.
  There are some important laws that have influenced the development of special education in China. In 1982, the newly revised Chinese Constitution stipulated the state's responsibility for the education of disabled people. Until the National People's Congress passed the 1986 Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China, all children are obliged to enjoy nine years of free public education - six years of primary education and three years of secondary education. Special schools are organized for children with vision, hearing and mental disorders. In 1990, the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities emphasized that families, work units and community organizations must share responsibility for caring for persons with disabilities. In 1994, the Regulations on the Education of Persons with Disabilities reinforced the law, which required a qualification system for special education teachers. Furthermore, the Teachers’ Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Education Law of the People’s Republic of China both call for offering educational undertakings for individuals with disabilities.
  As a result of the previously mentioned laws, and the obvious western influence over time, the face of special education is much different today. China is attempting to do much more in the way of educating children with disabilities. China now recognizes six classes of disability: visual, hearing, intellectual, psychiatric and multiple impairments. At present, three categories of disability are being served in the regular education setting: visually impaired, hearing impaired, and mental retardation.
  A much larger challenge that Australia and China are facing may be the lack of instructional quality and accountability with regard to students with exceptional needs. In essence both Australia and China need to recognize that improved educational services and supports for people with disabilities are ultimately going to benefit Australia as a whole not just people with disabilities.
摘要:对幼儿进行理财教育对孩子的成长乃至民族的振兴都有着非常重要的意义,这也是 目前世界上很 多发达国家关注的教育内容,而在我国却面临很多挑战与阻挠,比如幼儿金钱观淡薄,社会关注度不够,参与不够积极,幼儿园理财教育课程 内容缺 失等等。要想真正有效的开展幼儿理财教育,必须对症 下药 ,破荆斩棘 ,迎 来幼儿理财教育。  关键词:幼儿 理财教育 现状 对策  一、 幼儿理财教育的内涵和意义  理财教
摘要:随着信息时代的到来,计算机等多媒体信息技术在教育领域中得到了广泛的应用,教育信息化是时代发展的一种表现,教学与信息技术的结合不仅有效提高了教学的质量,更促进了教育事业的发展。在小学数学教学中运用信息化教育是改变传统教育理念的一种措施,将束缚学生思维的传统课堂拓展为丰富、有趣、充满活力的高效课堂,学生学习的积极性得到了提高,学习的效率也有了明显的提升。  关键词:小学数学;信息化教育;策略  
摘要:在新课程改革不断深入的背景下,对教师的教学效率也提出了更高层次的要求。初中政治教学内容具有一定的抽象性,要想提升教学质量,就必须运用多种教学方法,以学生为主体,充分调动学生的思维能力,提高学生对政治课堂的积极性,使他们主动参与到课堂活动中来。本文就如何在新课程标准的背景下提升政治课堂教学效率展开探究,以期能够抛砖引玉。  关键词:新课程标准;初中政治;教学效率  初中思想政治教学对学生的身心
摘要:国家近年来一直提倡素质教育,为学生学习减轻负担。与此同时,国家也倡导学生德智体美劳五个方面全面发展,来培养学生的综合素质。就小学语文来说,如何在教学活动中开展素质教育呢?本文从小学语文素质教育的现状出发,来研究一下如何开展素质教育,有利于培养学生的文化素养,提高学生的素质。  关键词:小学语文;素质教育;研究  小学语文是学习其他知识的重要前提,在小学语文教育中使学生在学习中学到更扎实的知识
摘要:在进行小学体育教学时,适当的游戏教学可以为学生在学习中创造一个轻松愉快的学习氛围,让学生在参与游戏的过程中完成教学目标,并且得到体育锻炼、掌握体育的基本知识。因此,在小学体育教学中游戏教学法的运用是很有必要的,并且这种教学方法非常适合当下新课改的大趋势和对于当下教学改革的要求。  关键词:小学体育;游戏教学;方法  游戏是小学生乐于接受的一种活动方式,是小学生参与率非常高的一种教学模式。孩子