
来源 :抗日战争研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sibsiufeuhfhkshu
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中国红军由国内战争到抗日战争的战略性转变 ,自红军长征到达陕北至抗战初期 ,历时两年有余 ,涉及诸多复杂问题。在这一巨大转变的过程中 ,时任中共总负责人的张闻天运筹主持 ,率领中共领袖集团及时提出转变任务 ,调整军事机制 ,把握军事发展方向 ,抉择合宜方略 ,并为日益迫切的大规模民族战争确立了军事战略方针的基本原则和理论 ,对此一历史性转变的实现作出了重大的历史贡献。正确认识张闻天的这一重要作用 ,对于此一时期红军史乃至中共党史的研究 ,均具重要意义 The strategic transformation of the Chinese Red Army from the civil war to the anti-Japanese war, which lasted for more than two years since the Long March of the Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi and early days of the war of resistance, involved many complex issues. In the course of this great transformation, Zhang Wentian, then-chief of the Communist Party of China, was the chief operating officer and led the CPC leadership group to promptly put forward the task of changing the military, adjusting the military mechanism, grasping the direction of military development, choosing a suitable strategy and becoming an increasingly urgent large-scale nation The war established the basic principles and theories of military strategic guidelines and made significant historic contributions to the realization of this historic transformation. To correctly understand this important role of Zhang Wentian is of great significance to the study of the history of the Red Army and even the history of the CPC during this period
桂枝在《本经》中被列为上品。原文:味辛温。主上气,咳逆,结气喉痹,吐吸,利关节,补中益气。久服通神,轻身不老。$$    桂枝,原名牡桂,为樟科植物肉桂的嫩枝,味辛性温,主“上气”,即气
<正> 笔者运用剧毒中药川草乌治疗诸痛症已20余年,取得了显著的效果,现介绍一种较好的应用方法。取川草乌各100g,加清水适量浸泡7~10d(天)至内无干心,捞出,另取麻黄、桂枝、甘
行政垄断没留神就是腐败,不想腐败也得腐败。郭东升就是行政垄断的烈士。 Administrative monopoly without attention is corruption, do not want to corrupt corruption.