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民间收藏在我国可谓历史悠久,早在三千多年前的春秋战国时期,百家争鸣,许多思想家、学者即作文化收藏,相传墨子藏书三车。汉、唐以来以至明、清,官府私家收藏并盛,出现了像米芾、赵明诚、柯九思、范钦、董其昌、李佐贤、端方、罗振玉等著名的收藏家。传统收藏属于怡情益智的文化行为古代的文人雅士的收藏多为休闲赏玩,怡情养性,陶冶情操。可以说,我国从上古到近代的几千年民间收藏,是一种出自个人的兴趣、爱好的文化行为。同时,由于传统的藏品绝大部分是知识的载体,具有文化内涵,收藏者不仅得到精神上的满足和艺术美感的享受,而且为藏者了解和研究相关的历史、科学、艺术提供了有价值的实物资料。著名画家吴湖帆在“梅景书屋”中收藏了大量名家佳作,揣摩品味,为他成就为画坛大家起到重要作用。鲁迅多方收集汉画像800多幅,进行研究出版,公之于众,希冀对当时新兴的版画艺术提供继承和借鉴。就是一帮豪绅富商,不惜重金收购古董字画,给 Folk collection in China can be described as a long history, as early as 3000 years ago during the Spring and Autumn Period, the war of ideas, many thinkers, scholars that make a cultural collection, according to legend Mozi books three cars. Since the Han and Tang dynasties, Ming and Qing dynasties have been privately owned and flourished by the government, and famous collectors such as Mi Fu, Zhao Mingcheng, Ke Ke Si, Fan Qin, Dong Qichang, Li Zuoxian, Duan Fang and Luo Zhenyu have appeared. The traditional collection belongs to the cultural activities of intellectual pleasure. The ancient literati’s collection is mostly for leisure, recreation, cultivate sentiments. It can be said that our folk collection for thousands of years from ancient times to modern times is a kind of cultural behavior that is derived from one’s own interests and hobbies. At the same time, because the vast majority of traditional collections are carriers of knowledge and have cultural connotations, collectors are not only provided with spiritual satisfaction and artistic aesthetics, but also provide valuable information to Tibetans in understanding and studying relevant history, science and art Physical information. Well-known painter Wu Hufan in the “Mei King Bookstore” in the collection of a large number of famous masterpiece, try to figure out the taste, for his achievements for the painting altar we play an important role. Lu Xun collected more than 800 pieces of Han portraits from multiple sources, studied and published them, and made them public, hoping to provide inheritance and reference to the emerging art of prints. Is a bunch of gentry wealthy businessman, spared no expense to buy antique calligraphy and painting, to
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