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“你踩了我的鞋子!”我们宿舍在整幢楼的最西面,是离宿舍楼门口最远的地方。宿舍的旁边有着仅有的3个窗户中的一个,真是有幸,不知道住在厕所的对面的战友们怎么活。我们宿舍6个人对哨声非常敏感。当然,不只是我们6个人,整幢楼的女生都是如此。只要教官一吹哨,先听见整幢宿舍楼 “You stepped on my shoes!” Our dormitory is the furthest west of the entire building and is the furthest away from the dormitory entrance. There was only one of the three windows next to the dormitory. It was really fortunate to know how to live with the comrades who lived across the toilet. 6 people in our dormitory are very sensitive to the whistle. Of course, we are not just six of us. The girls in the entire building are. As long as the instructor whistles, first hear the entire dormitory
The positioning precision of the transmitting Chinese Area Positioning System(CAPS) is reduced due to the non-ideal distribution of the satellite constellation.
A single-element shear-coaxial combustor using gaseous hydrogen(GH2) and oxygen(GO2) was designed and hot-tested.The wall temperature was measured.The combustio
A new attitude controller is proposed for spacecraft whose actuator has variable input saturation limit. There are three identical flywheels orthogonally mounte
成绩发下来,我一脸茫然,从玩乐的酣梦中惊醒,我后悔莫及,早已泪流满面。听着耳边被风吹得“沙沙”直响的讨厌的树叶撞击声, 我的沉重的心更是有增无减,怀着失落的心情,我推开