
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hytsxz
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粉碎性骨折是眶骨最常见的损伤,占面骨骨折的第三位,仅次于鼻骨和上颌骨骨折。本文报告2例的治疗经过。例1,男性11岁,左眼因被扫帚柄撞伤,眼眶瘀斑、肿胀、鼻衄,眼球向上向外运动受限,视力正常。平片和断层片发现眶底至眶内壁粉碎性骨折。病人伤后10天取内眦眶下缘切口进行探查,发现眶底骨折向内侧,致使眶内壁下份凹下,纸板薄而活动,有几处骨折并有软组织陷入筛窦,切除纸板及邻近筛房以减少眶组织凹陷和减压,从后筛房到鼻腔开一个1cm的孔以利引流。出院随访6个月眼球运动渐恢复,但在向最外侧注视时有复视。例2,男性20岁,右眼被拳击伤,眼眶瘀斑,外侧结膜下出血,疼痛,向内、外侧平视时有复视,内直肌运动受限,视力正常。平片发现右筛窦轻度模糊,CT扫描发现眶内壁骨折及软组织陷入筛窦。伤 Comminuted fractures are the most common injuries to the orbital bone, accounting for the third highest in facial fractures, after the nasal and maxillary fractures. This article reports the treatment of 2 cases. Example 1, male 11 years old, the left eye was bruised by a broomstick, orbital ecchymosis, swelling, epistaxis, upward eyeball upward movement limited, normal vision. Plain and tomographic findings of orbital floor to the orbital wall comminuted fracture. Ten days after injury, the patient was examined with an incision of the infraorbital orbital rim to find the medial orbital floor fracture, resulting in a concave sunken orbital wall. The tissue was thin and active. There were several fractures and soft tissue trapping into the ethmoid sinus. Screen room to reduce orbital depression and decompression, from the posterior room to the nasal cavity to open a 1cm hole to facilitate drainage. At 6 months after discharge, eye movement gradually recovered, but there was diplopia in the most lateral fixation. Example 2, male 20 years old, the right eye was boxing injury, orbital ecchymosis, lateral subconjunctival hemorrhage, pain, inward, lateral diplopia when diplopia, rectus muscle exercise limited, normal vision. Plain film found mild right blur, CT scan found orbital wall fracture and soft tissue into the ethmoid sinus. hurt
考点1 同分异构体的书写及数目的判断  例1 MBBA是一种研究得较多的液晶化合物。它可以看作是由醛A和胺B去水缩合的产物。  CH3O— —CH=N— —CH2CH2CH2CH3   (MBBA)  CH3O— —CHO CH3CH2CH2CH2— —NH2   (醛A) (胺B)  (1)对位上有—C
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