抹(mā)布 游说(shuì) 古刹(chá)便秘(bì) 蛤(gé)蜊 校(jiào)对 踉(liàng)跄 熨(yǜ)帖 熨(yǜn)斗 自怨自艾(yì) 了(liào)望 金蝉脱壳(qiào) 体(tī)己 屁滚尿(suī)流 占卜(bǘ) 倾轧(yà) 轧(zhá)钢 心宽体胖(pán) 麦芒(wáng) 千乘(shèng)肖(xiào)像 丢三落(là)四 茅厕(cè) 一暴(pǜ)十寒 骠(piào)悍 气喘吁吁(xu) 麋(qǘn)集 寻(xín)死埋(mán)怨 否(pǐ)极泰来 裨(bì)益呜咽(yè) 龟(jǜn)裂 木讷(nè)
Wipe (mā) cloth to lobby (shuì) Ancient temple (chá) constipation (bì) 蛤 (gé) 蜊 school (jiào) 踉 (liàng) 跄 ironing (y ǜ) 帖 ironing (yǜn) 斗自怨自自 (yì) 了 (liào) Looking out of the shell (qiào) Body (tī) The fart rolling urine (suī) Flow Divination (bǘ) Plunging (yà) Rolling (zhá) Steel heart Body fat (pán) Maimang (wáng) Thousands (shèng) Shaw (xiào) Lost three falls (là) Four toilets (cè) One storm (pǜ) Ten 骠 (piào) 悍气喘喘吁(xu) 麋(qǘn)集寻(xín)死埋(mán)怨不(pǐ) 太泰裨(bì)益呜咽 (yè) 龟(jǜn)裂木讷(nè)