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读过苏金伞的一首《埋葬了的爱情》,全诗不长,兹录如下:那时我们爱得正苦/常常一同到城外沙丘中漫步/她用手拢起了一个小小坟茔/插上几根枯草,说/这里埋葬了我们的爱情/第二天我独自来到这里/想把那座小沙堆移回家中/但什么也没有了/秋风在夜间已把它削平/第二年我又去凭吊/沙坡上雨水纵横,像她的泪痕/而沙地里已钻出几粒草芽/远远望去微微泛青/这不是枯草又发了芽/这是我们埋在地 Having read a “Buried Love” of Su Jin Umbrella, the whole poem is not long, I hereby record the following: At that time, we were so bitter / walked often to the sand dunes outside the city / She took a small hand Tomb / plug in a few hay, said / here buried our love / the next day I came here alone / would like to move the little sand pile home / but nothing / autumn wind has it at night Flattened / the second year I went to Ping / rain on the slope of the slope, like her tears / sand and the ground has been drilled a few grains of grass bud / from afar to see a slight pan / This is not hay and hair bud / this We are buried
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In this paper, a novel design method, which is different from the traditional and empirical one (i. e., taking p and pv as the basic checking parameters) is pre
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