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顾昂然从1952年起就工作在新中国立法战线,协助决策层工作,接触、参与我国的立法达五十多年。1979年3月起,顾昂然历任全国人大常委会法制委员会委员、资料编译室主任、研究室主任、民法国家法室主任。1983年9月,全国人大常委会法制工作委员会正式成立,全国人大常委会法工委第一任主任是六届全国人大常委会秘书长王汉斌兼任,顾昂然是副主任兼秘书长。七届全国人大时,王汉斌当选为全国人大常委会副委员长继续兼任法工委主任,顾昂然协助王汉斌主持法工委的工作。1993年直至2003年的十年间,顾昂然担任全国人大常委会法制工作委员会主任,全面主持法工委工作。顾昂然见证了新中国法律产生的整个过程,并亲身参加了许多具体法律的起草。新中国的一部部法律都清楚地印在他的脑子里,为此被称作新中国立法工作的“活字典”。 Gu Angran has been working on the legislative front of New China since 1952, assisting decision-making work, getting involved and participating in our country's legislation for more than 50 years. Since March 1979, Gu Angu has served as a member of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the NPC Standing Committee, director of the compilation room, director of the research room, and director of the Law Office of Civil Law. In September 1983, the Legislative Affairs Working Committee of the NPC Standing Committee was formally established. The first director of the Legal Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is Wang Hanbin, the secretary-general of the six-nation NPC Standing Committee. Gu Anran is the deputy director and secretary general. When the Seventh National People's Congress was elected, Wang Hanbin was elected vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and continued to serve as director of the working committee. Gu Angran assisted Wang Hanbin in chairing the work of the working committee. From 1993 until the ten years in 2003, Gu angran served as the director of the legislative work committee of the NPC Standing Committee, and overall chaired the work of the Commission. Gu Angran witnessed the entire process of new Chinese law, and personally participated in the drafting of many specific laws. A part of the law of new China is clearly printed in his mind, thus being called the “living dictionary” for the work on the legislation of new China.
尽管劳尔·拉布里(Raoul Lufbery)是一位美国人,但这不影响他在一战中成为法国空军闻名遐迩的英雄,他的许多经典战斗为人所永记。在美国还没有卷入一战的时候,他已经成了来自
也许是因为[六人行]的关系,从影片的一开始,我就没准备把索柏中尉(大卫·舒蒙David Schwimmer他美国热播的电视连续剧[六人行]中扮演一个有些愚顿但十分善良可爱的考古学博
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46张汇款单,236封书信,支撑起身患绝症的父亲的生命。一位20岁的女军人的孝心故事。 46 remittances, 236 letters, supporting the lives of terminally ill father. Filia
2003年10月15日早晨,中国航天第一港酒泉卫星发射中心天空晴朗,中国载人航天发射场天蓝色的发射塔架,在大漠中冉冉升起的朝阳照耀下,如一颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,熠熠生辉。 On th