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  Long-distance walking is all the rage1 these days. There are all-nighters2 staged by charities, for instance the annual MoonWalk in London, which raises funds to fight breast cancer: participants of both sexes walk marathon and half-marathon routes. The outfits might have changed, but when it comes to foot-slogging3, long-distance has a long history.
  Charles Dickens liked a nocturnal ramble.4 He did it to combat sleeplessness, and on one particular night in October 1857 walked the 30 miles (48.3 km) from his house in Tavistock Square to his country home in Kent.5 In the essay Night Walks he describes passing Bethlehem Hospital (the psychiatric institution from which we get the word “bedlam”), and wondering how different its inhabitants were from the rest of us:“Are not the sane and the insane equal at night as the sane lie a dreaming?”6 At dawn Dickens would head for a railway station to watch the mail come in. Only when daylight appeared would he feel tired enough to go home and sleep.
  Many writers use walking for inspiration. Thoreau7 said that “the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow”. It isn’t just writers, either—Erik Satie composed his music while walking, often at night, and when Paris’s streetlamps were blacked out during the First World War, he found it difficult to work.8
  Another motivation is money. During the 18th and 19th centuries Britain enjoyed a boom in“pedestrianism”, the undertaking of long-distance walks for wagers.9 Originally aristocrats pitted their footmen against each other (please don’t let Jacob Rees-Mogg read this—he might get ideas).10
  But then along came people who were prepared to do the legwork themselves. In 1788, Foster Powell walked 100 miles in 21 hours, 35 minutes. One of the most celebrated pedestrians was Captain Barclay, who in 1809 walked 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours for 1,000 guineas.11 That was one mile (the same one, laid out on Newmarket Heath12), once every hour from 1 June to 12 July. A crowd of 10,000 turned up to watch. In 1864 Emma Sharp of Bradford copied the feat13. People threw red hot coals in her path and tried to trip her up, and for the last two days she carried a pistol for protection.14 When she finished, her supporters roasted a celebratory ox.
  Several years ago, hearing of someone who’d taken seven hours to run the London marathon, I thought: “I could walk it in that.” So one autumn day I tried. You always hear about average walking pace being four miles an hour—it’s nonsense. You really have to motor15 to achieve that, and I only just completed the course in the seven hours. Later, for a book, I walked the whole London Underground system overground16. Up to 20 miles, I found, gives you a real buzz17. Between 20 and 30 you start to come back down, and much beyond 30 is a real struggle. My longest day’s trek18 was 39.5 miles. It would have been over 40 if you could walk to Heathrow Terminals 2
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摘 要:本文在讨论英语教育的终极目的、略论我国英语教育现状的基础上,指出英语经典阅读和教学的重要意义,重点探讨了识读 、理解和鉴赏三个层次的经典教学设想,并结合实例予以说明。文章指出,英文经典阅读教学的落脚点在于学生的“情感”和“意志”,旨在培养他们高尚的道德情操和健全的人格,就此而论,“无用”的经典具有“大用”。  关键词:英文经典;阅读教学;识读;理解;鉴赏  我们为什么要引导学生阅读经典名著
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摘 要:小学英语听力教学中,教师存在对教材中的听力活动认识不足、听后实践活动设计单一等问题。笔者提出基于教材理解的小学英语听力教学应渗透聽音跟读、设计听后输出的语言创新实践活动、重视听力评价活动和单元检测活动、拓展听力资源,以及通过听说促读写,发展学生的综合语言应用能力。本文最后呈现基于教材理解的听力课设计三原则:听说领先原则、语言创新实践原则和听力内容与评价方式多元化原则。  关键词:教材理解;
1. 《恶女订制服》—— 澳大利亚近年来少有的成功电影  《恶女订制服》(The Dressmaker,又译为《裁缝》)是2015年上映的一部关于女性复仇的澳大利亚喜剧剧情片,由乔瑟琳·穆尔豪斯(Jocelyn Moorhouse)根据罗莎莉·汉姆(Rosalie Ham)2000年出版的同名小说改编并导演,由凯特·温丝莱特(Kate Winslet)主演。影片讲述女孩摩特尔·“缇丽”·邓内基(M